Canals and Drainage

The Canals in the City of Coral Springs are maintained by (among others) the Coral Springs Improvement District.

There are approximately 184 acres, or 20 miles, of canals which are maintained by Coral Springs Improvement District. Some of the maintenance duties include cleaning the canals of debris, spraying of aquatic weed killers and monitoring the levels of the drainage canals during heavy storms or hurricanes.

During heavy storm water infiltration, the District operates two pump stations that have the capacity of removing 200,000 gallons of storm water per minute or 12,000,000 gallons per hour.

In addition to assuring the canals do not overflow, the District also provides weed control service. To that end, over 3,600 triploid aquatic grass eating carp are purchased and released yearly in an effort to control vegetation issues without always resorting to the use of chemical applications.

Did you know...

The canal system within the District does not flow freely to the C-14 canal and only flows when the pump stations are turned on to discharge excess storm water. Therefore, it is important that each District resident be mindful of the fact that whatever is discharged into the canal will generally stay within the waterway for a long period of time. Disposing of motor oil and other hazardous materials is not only unlawful, but can result in fish kills, excess algae growth and ground water contamination. Even over fertilizing will lead to the growth of aquatic weeds in the canal system. To the degree that we can restrict the amount of nutrients entering the waterways we will be able to utilize less herbicides in the treatment of aquatic vegetation, which we feel is a sound environmental goal.

In addition, the maintenance of the adjoining canal bank to the water line is each individual property owners responsibility. This includes the removal of Florida Holly and Australian Pine trees. This requirement is part of an ordinance of the City of Coral Springs and even though you may not own the property to the water line, it is similar to the situation that exists in the front of your house where you do not own property to the street and yet you are required to maintain it in an aesthetically pleasing fashion. The maintenance of the canal bank by the residents enables the District to keep your water management assessment at a reasonable level. We encourage each resident that has property on the canal to become active in patrolling for pollution sources and maintaining the canal bank.

We are always available to answer any question you may have. Please feel free to contact the District by phoning us at (954) 753-0380. You may also address any questions, concerns, or comments via e-mail to: