The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Coral Springs Improvement District was held on Monday, March 21, 2005 at 4:05 p.m. at the District Office, 10300 NW 11th Manor, Coral Springs, Florida.


Present and constituting a quorum were:


Bob Fennell                                                President

Bill Eissler                                                   Vice President

Glen Hanks                                                Secretary


Also present were:


George R. Keller, Jr.                                  Manager

Dennis Lyles                                               Attorney

John McKune                                             Engineer

Dan Daly                                                    Utility Billing

Ed Goscicki                                                Severn Trent Services

Roy Kroker                                                Seven Trent Services

Roger Moore                                             Severn Trent Services

Joni Hayworth                                            District Staff

Jan Zilmer                                                   District Staff 

Sue Walker                                                District Staff 

Roy Gold                                                   Coral Springs City Commissioner


FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS                         Roll Call

            Mr. Fennell called the meeting to order and Mr. Keller called the roll.


SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS                    Approval of the Minutes of the February 28, 2004 Meeting

            Mr. Fennell stated each Board member received a copy of the minutes of the February 28, 2004 meeting and requested any additions, corrections or deletions.

            Mr. Hanks stated on page 4, in the top line, it should read, “ 10% design drawings, 10% bidding and 80% permitting.

            Mr. Eissler stated also on page 4, in the fourth line from the top, I was not referring to lime down the well.

            Mr. Fennell stated on page 6, in the first sentence of the last paragraph, the words “is despite” should be deleted.  On page 10 in the second line of the last paragraph it should read, “…complaining about various different problems.”


On MOTION by Mr. Hanks seconded by Mr. Eissler with all in favor the minutes of the February 28, 2005 meeting were approved, as amended.


THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS                       Consideration of Change Order No. 1 to Intrastate Construction Corporation Contract for Wastewater Plants C and D Rehab for a Net Increase of $66,232.06

            Mr. McKune stated the original contract amount for the rehab of Plant C and D is $1,283,638.65.  This particular change order increases that amount by $66,232.06. 

            Mr. McKune further explained the engineer’s summary of changes consisting of eight item relating to furnish labor, materials, equipment for 12” DIP in area of additional lime sludge dewatering ponds; drain Wastewater Plant B and perform emergency repairs to mechanism shaft and bearing; field weld walkway supports in Plant C; demolish and remove 300 cu. ft. of additional clarifier center shaft foundation concrete; disassemble Plant E RAS pump and suction piping; fabricate and install a new clarifier scum collection box and transfer pipe; increase size of air headers feeding Plants C and D, and fabricate temporary connection of new air piping to existing Plant D; and modify connection of new 24” stainless steel air header and cut into existing blower discharge piping.

            Mr. Eissler stated when the contractor gives you the backup, you check it and acknowledge the changes.  Are they checked by Mr. Moore?

            Mr. Moore responded I go over these with Mr. McKune before they come to the Board.

            Mr. Eissler asked are you both in agreement these are reasonable charges by the contractor and had to be done?

            Mr. McKune responded yes.

            Mr. Hanks asked were the last two items because Plant E is working so much better with increased air that we decided to do this with Plants C and D?

            Mr. McKune responded one blower running by itself was not adequate to run both plants, and the old blower was buried underground. 

            Mr. Hanks asked will this have a reduction in our operating costs?

            Mr. McKune responded as long as we are running only one blower. 

            Mr. Moore stated for item 8 by moving over the headers by 15’ we could use the space for an electrical room, hoping to save money in the future.


On MOTION by Mr. Eissler seconded by Mr. Hanks with all in favor Change Order No. 1 to Intrastate Construction Corporation Contract for Wastewater Plants C and D rehab for a Net Increase of $66,232.06 was approved.


FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                    Staff Reports

A.                 Attorney – Lake Maintenance Agreement with Lake Coral Springs Association

            Mr. Lyles stated I contacted Mr. Weinberg’s office regarding this agreement and the schedule of a meeting.  We have not set a date and he knows we are moving forward.  We are waiting on a formal agreement to bring back before the Board.


B.                 Engineer

            1.         Monthly Water & Sewer Charts

The monthly charts are made part of the public record and attached hereto.


            2.         Update on Construction Analysis and Capital Improvement Plan for Next Five Years

            Mr. McKune stated Plant C is working well and is doing what we expect it to.  We are in the process of cleaning out Plant B. 

            Mr. McKune further explained the projects that were completed, in process and to be completed.

            Mr. Keller stated we are looking at the Capital Improvement Plan on a big picture basis, and we will have the total cost for funding and options as to how to do that as we move forward.


Discussion of Issues with CSID Employees

            Ms. Walker, Mr. Zilmer and Mr. Daly introduced themselves to the Board.

            Mr. Fennell stated I invited some of our employees to this meeting because of the issues we have been going over.  As President, I wanted to thank them for their continued support to CSID as we move forward.  We want you to know we understand some of the issues, and some we do not, and we are fully supportive of our employees as well as our managers; and we are looking for a way to improve the whole system, as well as the consumers.  We are looking for a number of different changes, and I wanted you to hear from us.  CSID has been through a number of different changes and it is going through another change right here.  It has gone from a paternalistic organization where Westinghouse ran the place, to where Mr. Moyer and his abilities were running it, to now where we are running it on our own with contract management services.  All of those organizations and relationships are gone.  They made their money and they moved on.  We are looking to how best set up the organization over the next few years and we are asking for your help as well as the professional managers and counselors.  I know it is a tricky thing going forward, but we are open to ideas and changes and we want to make this a positive working environment.  We, [the Board], live here and we are buyers of the services and are representatives of the residents in the District.  I see some things we need to do that we have not done before and we are going to ask for your help to look at these things, if you are so inclined to do that.  We need to evaluate the employees we have who work for us, and the services we buy on a more periodic basis.  There are certain things we need to change and we need to get your help with.  I saw the personnel manual we have, and we have an employee at will policy, which is a legal issue that almost every corporation of every size has now days.  However, there is a way we would like to handle people, complaints and those kinds of things.  We need to develop an open door policy.  What people do if they have an issue or complaint with their boss and how do they bring that forward and how far it can go up.  I am not sure what that policy should be, but you, as representatives of our employees, have a hand in developing that along with management.  Another issue we have is jobs not being well defined, and a possible issue of what is a fire-able offense.  Most companies have set offense such as theft. 

            Mr. Zilmer stated we have a four-step procedure for fire-able offenses.

            Mr. Fennell stated we also need an evaluation policy.  In a lot of cases it was, “I know John and I know he is doing a good job”; however, we need a formal evaluation process for all employees as well as our management services, which is more of a problem for us as the Board.

            Mr. Eissler stated next month we have our special meeting and a lot of that will come up as to how the management company can better serve CSID and where our CSID employees fit in the organization.  We need to look at everything.  Some things may be better done by the management company; and some things may be better done by our employees.  There needs to be a happy medium.  STS will lay out what they can do for us, how they want to do it, and their recommendation as to how we should do it.  I am looking forward to hearing what they say. 

            Mr. Zilmer stated personally, the workshop idea is a great idea.

            Mr. Fennell stated we buy various different functions; and we are looking for feedback on the joint employees, which is a tough thing to do because some get two and three checks.

            Mr. Zilmer stated some get three, and we have had four at one point.  It is a cost sharing and cost savings between the districts so you can pool your resources.

            Mr. Fennell asked how are you with those issues and how is it working?

            Ms. Walker responded I have been here for 20 years. 

            Mr. Zilmer stated we have lost a few districts over the years, Coral Bay, North Lauderdale; and the employee who worked on those districts lost a portion of their salary. 

            Ms. Walker stated I do the accounting and financial for both CSID and NSID.  Where are you going to find someone to share my salary with?

            Mr. Zilmer stated it is legal as long as the bottom line is the person is making a minimal wage. 

            Mr. Fennell asked how about the employee benefits?

            Mr. Zilmer responded it is based on an annual basis.  The District contributes 6% quarterly.  If you make $25,000 from NSID and $25,000 from CSID, each District contributes 6% of their expenses into the retirement plan.

            Mr. Fennell asked whom do you work for?

            Mr. Zilmer responded we have been here for so many years, we don’t see a difference.

            Mr. Daly stated I also handle eight or so more districts for STS under the utility billing side. 

            Mr. Goscicki stated also STS contributes money back to CSID for Mr. Daly and Mr. Zilmer’s services to other districts.

            Mr. Eissler stated to say this is convoluted would be an understatement of a great proportion.  It has taken me three years to try to figure out how this all worked.  I think this Board is very competent, but we can be unelected at next elections and have three new members.  We serve at the will of the residents.  This is where it is important that whomever manages us on a day-to-day basis has to be competent because they need to advise the Board.  That is one of my fears.  If I do leave this Board I want to know that whoever sits in this seat knows there are competent people helping to run this organization.

            Mr. Fennell stated from the accounting function, I am looking to see how much should we bring in-house.  I would like us to be in control of our own money.  I would like CSID in control.  On the other hand, you may tell us we cannot afford to do that and we need to have a relationship with another district or firm.  Another part of this is our attorney.  Up to now everything has been cooperative and management has been the glue with Mr. Moyer when he started with Westinghouse.  We have different managers, better or worse we don’t know yet, and we probably need more understandings with the other groups of whom we share, who we do share, who we don’t share and on what basis.  I am not sure how this should go.  We probably need some emergency employee relationships with others like we have with emergency water responses.  We also need to formalize that in some way, rather than having an understanding through the management group because the management group may change. 

            Mr. Lyles stated these local districts have on a pro-rata payment basis part-time employees that work for them.  They have a direct employment relationship with each of these local districts.  The mechanism you spoke of, as an emergency shared employee relationship, will be more appropriate if they have employees that you will need shifted to you.  They don’t have employees you don’t have.  You have the same employees but allocate their time on an as needed basis on a preset pro-rata payment formula.  You don’t want to have that emergency backup.  You may want to have an agreement between the districts of entities, approved by their respective Boards, saying you recognize we share employees and in an emergency we agree and are okay with our employee spending all their time with District A and will not insist upon our pro-rata share of that employees time during that emergency.  You have direct employees.  You have your own resources.

            Mr. Fennell asked how many employees does NSID have?

            Mr. Zilmer responded 40 and 12 are shared employees split between CSID and NSID.

            Mr. Fennell asked what about Turtle Run?

            Mr. Zilmer responded it only has one employee.  Pine Tree has two and Sunshine has eight.  They benefit by the shared personnel.

            Mr. Fennell asked above and beyond our districts, is STS using some of our employees up north?

            Mr. Zilmer responded those are STS employees. 

            Mr. Daly stated the only shared employees with STS are Mr. Zilmer and myself, our services are reimbursed to CSID.

            Mr. Fennell stated we are looking to see if lines are drawn properly and does it make sense as we are grouped now. 

            Mr. Zilmer stated I was also the STS HR liaison for a lot of years, and a lot of personnel directors looked at the policy and STS had concerns as to what their liability with these districts.  It is something that needs to be looked at. 

            Mr. Fennell stated I wanted to thank you personally for all that you have done over the years. 

            Mr. Zilmer, Mr. Daly and Ms. Walker stated thank you.

            Mr. Eissler stated we need to ask ourselves, “If this was your company, how would you run it?  What makes sense?  What doesn’t make sense?”  That is what we are going to do in April. 

            Mr. Zilmer stated periodically things needs to be looked at.  I worked for an employee who would make us write down exactly what we did and we would re-evaluate it.  It makes a lot of sense.

            Mr. Fennell stated going forward as a business we have changed from a growth firm to an in-place business and we need to ask ourselves how can we run more efficiently as well as plant replacement.  We are looking for things to save us money, time, issues, with keeping the same quality and products we have.  I have been putting pressure on management constantly to do that, which is a different viewpoint from what the utility has had up to now.  We are not adverse to spending capital to save money.  Are we better bringing all the accounting in-house, or is there a better way to save money?  We are looking at all kinds of ways to become efficient.  Do you have any comments?

            Mr. Hanks stated my only thought is how these employees are shared and it lends itself to them being on a consulting relationship with each of the districts.  It is an unusual arrangement.

            Mr. Fennell stated in some cases, one employee has too many bosses.  That can be an issue and which district gets priority.  It can be a significant problem.

            Mr. Hanks stated we need to think about it in respects of being hit by a hurricane.  Who is the one person who will handle each one of the pump stations and check on the water plant?  It should be Mr. Moore.  Where is his time split--Sunshine, NSID and CSID?  In an event such as that who gets first pick. 

            Mr. Goscicki responded because he is a STS employee, we will bring in whatever additional resources we need and we did that this year with the 2004 hurricanes.

            Mr. Fennell stated we are looking forward to the meeting next month.  We have an open door policy and I think it is time for management and employees to get together and think about what we can do to make this the best water district in the county, if not the state.  We need to make some improvements and move forward.

            Mr. Zilmer stated we have a lot of happy employees and we don’t have a large turnover.  I just hired two employees.  We are working on a new employee manual with Mr. Moore and the managers.  If you have any thoughts on this, please let me know. 


Presentation to Board from Coral Springs City Commissioner Gold

            Mr. Gold stated I am the chair for the Coral Springs Waterway Cleanup for the last 10 years and this organization has helped us quite a bit over the last 10 years with a financial contribution and manpower.  We appreciate it.  This year we had 277 volunteers from Coral Springs.  We are honored by your help along with Broward Beautiful, Lowe’s Home Improvement Center, Target, and the city.  I have a plague from the Marine Industries Association of South Florida to present to the Board.  We found only two shopping carts, eight bicycles, seven tires, a truck gas tank, a hammock, a couple of coffee tables, a paddle boat, a canoe, a motor bike, two propane tanks, and various other loose garbage.  We filled a 30 cubic yard dumpster with 2/3 of material.  I get a lot of pleasure in doing this project and I wanted to thank you personally.  Mr. Nick Schooley deserves a special mention.  He has been involved and has done a great job.  We plan on breaking the record again next year with volunteers.  Thank you for your time. 

            The Board thanked Commissioner Gold for the honor.


C.                 Manager

1.         Workshop Scheduled for April 14, 2005 at 1:00 p.m.

            Mr. Keller stated at the workshop meeting a gentleman named Mr. Herb Marlowe will be the facilitator for the workshop and will be in touch with you individually to obtain your input and expectations. 

2.         Security Matters

            Mr. Keller stated on the issue of security, there have been a number of discussions relating to efficiency and cost savings.  There has been sentiment expressed that as successful as the armed 24-hour security has been, that perhaps it is at a level higher than we need and an expense we may not need.  If that is your direction, at what point do you want to move forward, at what time frame for termination, expectations for options such as cameras, swipe cards and things of that nature.  There was also a desire to not have the structure open to the public because the impact of personnel. 

            Mr. Fennell stated the sense I had was we needed some type of nighttime security, and increase the security along the 4’ fence that anyone can jump.  The residents need a place to drop off their payments and have a turn around for that.  Do we need full time security personnel or can it be rolled into nighttime plant operations? 

            Mr. Moore stated to increase the 4’ fence to 6’ with barbed wire is $13,000.  To do the perimeter of the canal area is $40,000 in fencing; however, there are two new technics.  One is a direct buried wire for $20,000, or an 8’ high laser beam.  It is about half the price of the fence and it will keep the aesthetics of the bank the same.

            Mr. Eissler asked with the buried wire, who will be notified of the intruder and what happens then?

            Mr. Moore responded if we do away with security, we have some options.  We have a minimum of two people 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  If someone trips the wire, the operator will be called and they can either investigate or call 911.  Some HOA have card readers, and it will cost $5,000 for the reader and $5,000 for the cards.  We can also look into putting one in as you exit the gates.  To add a camera in three places, anyone after five can push a button, be seen by a District employee to release the gates for entrance, at a cost of $10,000. 

            Mr. Fennell asked what do the operators think about doing security?

            Mr. Moore responded that is the way we operated before 9-11.  They used to make rounds every two to three hours.  Our current security has pen identifiers at certain locations.  We are looking at chips to ensure they make at least three rounds, and if a contact is not made an alarm goes off. 

            Mr. Goscicki stated STS would not recommend that your staff become security guards.  The goal is to create a secure parameter, upgrade the fencing, additional monitoring, and call security.  They are not trained for security. 

            Mr. Eissler stated I agree.  No more armed guards.

            Mr. Fennell stated we need to keep the place secure from kids and vandals. 

            Mr. Moore stated we are also looking to see how the microwave systems can be used. 

            Mr. Fennell asked do we need something around the canal? 

            Mr. Moore responded in terms of phasing:  phase 1 is upgrading the 4’ fence and the entrance gate, phase 2 in next year’s budget could be the canal if we think it is necessary. 

            Mr. Fennell stated at one time we hired the police to drive around at a major expense.  There are usually two needs for security—external and internal.  What do we do about internal security?  At Motorola I had to show my briefcase going in and going out. 

            Mr. Zilmer stated we had people removing aluminum in front of the security guards.  Now the guards write down your license plates. 

            Mr. Fennell asked have we had any issues since we had the guards?

            Mr. Zilmer responded no.

            Mr. Keller asked what is the consensus of the Board?

            Mr. Fennell responded to move in the direction of decreasing security, and the new camera system.  Is there a way to tie the camera into the pump stations?

            Mr. Keller responded we can bring forward definite costs, and the termination of the security with Navarro.

            Mr. Zilmer stated you can hire security that is unarmed.

            Mr. Eissler stated I would like to do that immediately until we make a further decision.


On MOTION by Mr. Eissler seconded by Mr. Hanks with all in favor amending the security contract with Navarro from armed guards to unarmed guards affective immediately was approved.


            Mr. Daly stated I don’t believe customer service has been harmed in any way since the gates have been closed, and with the Internet it has made it easier.

            Mr. Hanks asked when was the last time you paid the Bell South bill in person?

            Mr. Daly responded you can’t, or FPL.

            Mr. Fennell stated we have two individuals at all times 24 hours a day.  If we find we need additional personnel to take on the security portion, we need staff to tell us that.  I don’t have a problem if we hire someone part time to be conscious of security.  We also need a test for responses for security, hurricane emergency responses and chlorine issues, and probably a CSID employee should take on those generalized functions. 

            Mr. Goscicki stated your operations manager who coordinates your emergency response times should be coordinating that effort.

            Mr. Fennell stated we have a lot of dangerous chemicals around and if something happens, it needs to be handled promptly.  Do we have a special team that handles health issues?

            Mr. Moore responded under emergency response, our primary problem is chlorine. 

            Mr. Fennell stated one manager should be in charge of safety and security.  When will we get rid of the last chlorine tank?

            Mr. Moore responded we are about 90 days out to get the sodium-hydrochloride building up and running, then the chlorine cylinders will be transferred.

            Mr. Eissler stated I believe it was a design flaw.  It is a simple system and will be corrected. 


            D.        Complaints Received/Resolved

            There not being any, the next item followed.


FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                         Supervisor’s Requests and Audience Comments

            There not being any, the next item followed.


SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                        Approval of Invoices

            There being no questions or comments,


On MOTION by Mr. Eissler seconded by Mr. Hanks with all in favor the March Invoices were approved.


SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                  Adjournment

            There being no further business,


On MOTION by Mr. Eissler seconded by Mr. Fennell with all in favor the meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m.





Glen Hanks                                                            Robert Fennell

Secretary                                                                Chairman







FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                    Staff Reports

D.                Attorney – Lake Maintenance Agreement with Lake Coral Springs Association

            Mr. Lyles stated I contacted Mr. Weinberg’s office regarding this agreement and the schedule of a meeting.  We have not set a date and he knows we are moving forward.  We are waiting on a formal agreement to bring back before the Board.


E.                 Engineer

            1.         Monthly Water & Sewer Charts

The monthly charts are made part of the public record and attached hereto.


            2.         Update on Construction Analysis and Capital Improvement Plan for Next Five Years