The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Coral Springs Improvement District was held on Monday, April 18, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. at the District Office, 10300 NW 11th Manor, Coral Springs, Florida.


            Present and constituting a quorum were:


            Robert Fennell                                                  President

            Bill Eissler                                                         Vice President

            Glen Hanks                                                      Secretary


            Also present were:


            George R. Keller, Jr.                                        Manager

            Dennis Lyles                                                     Attorney

            Dan Daly                                                          Utility Billing

            Roy Kroker                                                      Severn Trent Services

            Jean Rugg                                                         Severn Trent Services

            Roger Moore                                                   District Staff

            Joni Hayworth                                                  District Staff

            Mr. Sorrenteno                                                 Navarro Security Group

            Mr. Reyes                                                        Navarro Security Group

            Various Residents                                            


FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS                               Roll Call

            Mr. Fennell called the meeting to order and Mr. Keller called the roll.


SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS                          Approval of the minutes of the March 21, 2005 Meeting

            Mr. Fennell stated each Board member received a copy of the minutes of the March 21, 2005 meeting and requested any additions, corrections and deletions.

            There not being any,


On MOTION by Mr. Eissler seconded by Mr. Hanks with all in favor the minutes of the March 21, 2005 meeting were approved.


FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                          Staff Reports

            Manager – Security Matters (Navarro Security Group)

            Mr. Keller stated at the last meeting the Board took action concerning the security service provided by Navarro.  We were to provide immediate notice that the armed security was to be reduced to unarmed security as soon as possible, given the provisions of the contract, and also indicate probably by fiscal year ending September 30th at the latest we will no longer continue with those security services.  We have provided written notice to Navarro Company and they submitted a written response indicating they wish to be here today to address the Board on the matter.  We have Mr. Sorrenteno and Mr. Reyes from Navarro present. 

            Mr. Fennell stated welcome.  Let me prefix what our decision was last month.  It has no reflection on your services; we have been very happy.  We started off with a whole phase update looking at our facility and at the time, like everyone else in the country, we thought we were going to get attacked by Mohammad Atta, who lived right behind us, and we figured he had our number and we should take some precautions.  Since then this other group heads that kind of security and we are going to back off and let the U.S. Government worry about our security.  We are an $8,000,000 company and the expense for security is $350,000 a year; that is as much as our management company.  We are not firing you, we are looking to cut it off and turn it around. 

            Mr. Reyes stated Navarro wanted to tell you we are going to be here even if we no longer provide uniformed security; we also provide assistance for the alarm systems, cameras and such.  We will still be here as far as the technical support is concerned.  The cost comes into play with a lot of accounts, be it governmental or in the private sector.  What I took the time to do was put together four different options as far as budget is concerned.  We looked at armed versus unarmed as far as showing what your overall cost will be, what we perceive is your savings per year, even down to using golf carts as opposed to using mark patrol vehicles and going to at least one guard per shift at the gate.  Option 1 is $357,184, I combined North and South.  If you were to extend this for an entire year for both Districts the savings going from armed to unarmed is $73,344.  As you look at Options 2, 3 and 4, you will see the cost versus the savings. 

            Mr. Eissler stated we do not have any say in that.

            Mr. Reyes stated I know I put it as one account as far as manpower is concerned and such. 

            Mr. Fennell asked how many hours per week is Option 2?

            Mr. Reyes responded 168 hours.

            Mr. Fennell asked is there an option for night security?  Our biggest issue has been security at night; we used to have police.  Would that option cost extra?

            Mr. Reyes responded if you look at Option 3, it includes one security officer each shift and the cost is $292,000, split in half $142,784 a year.

            Mr. Fennell stated so it is roughly $150,000 a year for 1 security guard per shift.

            Mr. Reyes stated that is for three shifts.  The savings will be greater if you make it two shifts. 

            Mr. Fennell stated this is smart on your part and we thank you for it.  We know we do not need as much but we know we do not need zero.  There has been thought about trying to roll it into our own personnel. 

            Mr. Keller stated Mr. Moore has additional information on it, in terms of physical barriers and technology. 

            Mr. Moore stated looking at unmanned security after hours and after a minor evaluation of the site, the L shaped which is half the perimeter of the residences has a 4’ fence.  Some of it has top rail and some has no rail.  We had several incidents with kids either cutting it or coming over it.  Whether we keep armed security or not, keep Navarro or not, I recommend we increase the fence to match the rest of the fence line at 6’, with or without barbed wire.  Everything is 6’ adjacent to the property and has barbed wire on it.  The 4’ section has no top rail or barbed wire; to match it varies from $16,000 to $23,000, depending on barbed wire or vinyl. 

            Mr. Fennell asked why 6’ not 12’?

            Mr. Moore responded 6’ is the standard and the rest of it is 6’.  You can go to 8’ if you want; of course the cost is higher.  Most of our facilities have 6’ fences with the additional 2 ½ ’ 3-strand barbed wire.  One of the problems with the trees and the berm no matter where you put the fence you can in some places climb the fence and jump over. 

            Mr. Hanks asked do we need to retain the services of an arborist? 

            Mr. Moore responded we can trim the branches but the trees themselves are fairly adjacent.  There is also an old agreement which says we maintain the berm.  To put in a two camera system; one with a box at the front entrance to open the gate, and three receiving cameras; one at reception, one at the operator and one at the second reception, so there is always someone to open the gate was approximately $15,000. 

It gives you two cameras, one to view the person who pushes the button and one to record the license plate.  The third is access control similar to sun-pass.  A box is elevated 10’ in the air, the unit is about twice the thickness of a credit card goes on the driver’s side of the windshield.  As you drive up to the gate, it registers the card, opens the gate and you come through.  The exit will be a free exit, for example if we allow our chlorine, et cetera to come in, when they exit, the gate will automatically open.  The second unit will record all employees so there will be a time stamp of all employees coming and going.  The cost is approximately $19,000.  The total cost is between $51,000 to $58,000 to install that type of limited access to the facility.  This is for existing locations, we had problems with the city and if we go further with any type of guardhouse we have to move the gates back and is not included.  It also does not include some work we have to do here for relocating some of the fence on our staff time. 

            Mr. Keller asked what about annual operating cost and maintenance cost?  Anything significant?

            Mr. Moore responded I do not have a price.  They are willing to lease the equipment, at $3,000 a year over five years.  The fence company is basically no, put it in now.  The access control they are willing to lease purchase also.  I do not have a cost on the maintenance but I do not think it is extremely high.  The cards include 100 cards; the cards are approximately $8 to $10 each when you buy a new card. 

            Mr. Eissler stated this does not take into account the canal. 

            Mr. Moore stated correct.  We were looking at a couple of different technologies.  At this time the canal is protected by a Navarro system.  We are looking to get that up and running, right now it does the entire perimeter.  I talked at one time to Navarro about taking two-thirds of it down to only protect the water side.  We also looked at what I call phase 2, this will be phase one, somewhere down the road in a future budget of either putting a fence up around that side.  There is also some technology out there with buried cable that is around $20,000.  The wire is buried and any type of movement of the wire is detected and sets off an alarm, instead of the microwave and laser we have today. 

            Mr. Fennell asked where is this stuff hooked up to?

            Mr. Moore responded at this particular time the only monitoring we have is on the building on the wall.  If it is on and activated and security is breached it calls Navarro’s office.  They then notify the person on call.  If we eliminate their people all together it can be transferred to either the security system we have now, which is Cypress Trace, this building and that building alone have an alarm system on them that if the alarm is breached the door goes off.  It was supposed to call Cypress Trace and then they called the police.  I thought it was changed to call someone who actually works here before calling the police because we had a couple of false alarms.  What I am also looking into to reduce cost is have an electronic telemetry system so this building and that building and the Navarro systems can be linked into one and make one phone call to one person. 

            Mr. Eissler asked do you have any suggestions from what you just heard?

            Mr. Reyes responded we have discussed some of the items like moving the perimeter, we have already expended the dollars.  It would probably be a limited amount of cost; we were going to have the ability to put a trench and the same type of cabling in.  It is something that has just been declassified as far as the military is concerned.  It will pick you up from 6’ on either side.  You cannot jump over it, we have used it at some of the larger more exclusive residential areas in Palm Beach County, our experience has been some difficulties with it, according to the amount of traffic coming over, how they cut the grass, how they do different things.  Even though it is under the ground there is going to be a certain amount of maintenance to it if it breaks or a line is cut.  In my personal opinion it is not very cost effective.  I understood from the beginning, and it might have been previous management, that Cypress Trace was supposed to call our security dispatcher who would notify our security team on property and let us evaluate if the police needed to be notified.  Why that was not done or continued to be done is beyond me. 

            Mr. Fennell stated we need to get that straightened out. 

            Mr. Reyes stated it is real simple, we have other alarm companies call us all the time and tell us a property we secure has an alarm going off.  We respond rather than the police department because the police department is going to charge you $125 for a false alarm.

            Mr. Fennell asked what will be your roll if we eliminated all the people but still have a security system?

            Mr. Reyes responded Cypress Trace is your current provider for these buildings and we are providing the uniformed security and the monitoring if the building is activated. 

            Mr. Fennell asked do you have guards off the property that could come?

            Mr. Reyes responded absolutely. 

            Mr. Hanks asked do we need Cypress Trace?

            Mr. Moore responded I do not think we need them, but we are evaluating that now.

            Mr. Eissler stated we can put the fences up, if we decide we want night-time security, or just someone to respond if something happens; there is nothing wrong with that. 

            Mr. Lyles stated that might be a way to go.  Do what we can for physical security and then have a response system, which does not necessarily have to be the police, but given that we have a better system somebody can come check it out. 

            Mr. Eissler stated I would like to think about that. 

            Mr. Fennell stated if we needed to step up from that we could go back to night security. 

            Mr. Eissler stated but initially we do want to eliminate the armed guard. 

            Mr. Reyes stated we are taking steps to do that.

            Mr. Eissler stated beyond that, we need to decide what we want to do.  The pricing is not bad; the fencing is pretty straightforward.  I guess we need barbed wire. 

            Mr. Moore stated I would like to match the existing black vinyl, which is a little more. 

            Mr. Eissler stated we have some nice homes over here, too.  

            Mr. Moore stated you cannot see the fence line except for in the one section of sidewalk where the kids walk and if you put a black vinyl fence there with the barbed wire you not going to see it. 

            Mr. Hanks asked does it matter if the barbed wire is facing out or in?

            Mr. Reyes stated you want it facing out because a person is going to approach and try to climb over it. 

            Mr. Keller asked is it allowed in the city for this use?

            Mr. Moore responded it is not allowed in the city but the city has used it in some cases. 

            Mr. Lyles asked are there any provisions in the city code that would prohibit this?  If they do turn their heads is that going to help us when we do get a lawsuit and look at this is in violation of city code and they chose not to enforce it.  They are protected by sovereign immunity from that decision not to enforce but we are not protected by sovereign immunity if we intentionally violate a regulation which prohibits that kind of fencing and causes harm to somebody. 

            Mr. Moore stated we have to get a permit and I am going on the fact that we will be matching existing fencing we already have.  There may be a rule prohibiting this and I will bring it back to the Board, but first we have to check it out. 

            Mr. Fennell stated the sense that I am getting is that we would like to get quotes and proceed with an improved fence system and with a response system.

            Mr. Hanks stated before we go ahead unless we want to structure whether or not we have barbed wire on it we may want to consider getting feedback from the city on what is allowed in city code. 

            Mr. Fennell stated we want to go to a more secure physical system.  We still need a response system and we should integrate the ones we have with Cypress Trace or whoever, frankly it should be whoever is going to respond. 

            Mr. Hanks asked as far as response do we have Knox boxes on the gates?

            Mr. Moore responded they were deactivated due to Navarro coming and the gated being manned 24/7.  It was there for the fire department.

            Mr. Hanks stated with any of the options we were discussing earlier we need to make sure there is a means for EMS to access. 

            Mr. Eissler stated we may want to keep night-time security. 

            Mr. Fennell stated that is why I have this response thing.  If they can respond they can also do security. 

            Mr. Eissler stated what we are trying to do here is save some money, but still have a relatively secure facility. 

            Mr. Reyes stated the final option I was looking at was, and I do not know how the two districts handle things as far as finances, you can have one patrol officer in one patrol car coming in and out of both districts, patrol the area and respond to any need.  Even if he is on the north side he can turn around and come back quicker than responding from somewhere in Broward County where our response teams are at.  We can use detects so we know where he is at on the property plus we have the 24 hour dispatcher we are actually communicating with. 

            Mr. Fennell stated what we want you to come back with is a design for the fencing in the area, a unified security system, and what would be the additional cost of the shared security. 

            Mr. Keller asked should we proceed with the cameras and some of the other items?

            Mr. Fennell responded yes.  We are looking to make it as physically solid a package as we can.  It has to be a unified package and looking to who is going to be notified. 

            Mr. Hanks asked is this going to affect our operator’s performance?  Whichever task they are working on is this going to affect their performance?  Once we remove the guards from the gate are they going to see an increase in the number of people coming to them?

            Mr. Fennell responded it may, I do not know.  Obviously, somebody is going to have to be here during the day monitoring it.  There are probably going to be more people coming in and out than there were before since the guards are a deterrent. 

            Mr. Keller stated during the daytime we can have three different locations.  At night-time you are going to have minimal visits. 

            Mr. Fennell stated while we are putting this together there is obviously some type of communication and alarm system going on, is there any other thing you want to tie into that?  Any other type of safety feature? 

            Mr. Moore responded I have alarm systems coming through another system that is going to be notifying the operators when I have a problem somewhere on the site.  We were looking at possibly merging these.  For example, what actually happens if the alarm goes off in this building or that building Cypress Trace calls one of our maintenance guys who lives around the corner and he comes over and physically looks the place over.  We now have a system that will have multiple call lists.  It can call anybody off site until it gets someone.  We have a few different options of melding this together and remember we have a minimum of two people on site at all times. 

            Mr. Hanks asked if there is an intruder into one of the facilities, do we really want one of our employees checking it out?

            Mr. Moore responded at this time we have no monitoring system up and running.  Let’s assume we do have a monitoring system, we have a violation and it beeps the operator if we have a security breach.  My opinion would be if he sees a security breach and it beeps the operator, he would not call anybody, he might get a call off to his supervisor, but he would call the police immediately. 

            Mr. Hanks asked when you say check it out, it is not our intention to have staff members here physically pursuing people?

            Mr. Moore responded no.

            Mr. Reyes stated we are monitoring a system right now, if everything is running properly and there is a perimeter breach the cameras come on and the people in dispatch are able to see what is going on.  They are able to back up the recording and actually see the person. 

            Mr. Fennell asked do we have any other type of sensors around?

            Mr. Moore responded we have a chlorine alarm. 

            Mr. Fennell asked how do we get alerted for that? 

            Mr. Moore responded it is like an air raid, it is pretty loud and we have an evacuation plan. 

            Mr. Fennell stated at this time we need to put together a unified alarm plan.  We have security needs and safety needs; which actually may be more important than the security needs.  We are looking for a proposal that makes sense on an overall basis.  How are you going to tie all of this together?  Who is going to do the planning?

            Mr. Moore responded we need to come up with an exact scope.  We have talked about several different things and maybe even phasing it.  I see your direction is to minimize the guard at the front gate to let people in and out, so we are going to proceed with looking at increasing the fence and a system to allow employees and people in and out.  Next is going to be maybe one or two options in response.  I will work with Navarro or put together a bid spec whether you want night time security or roaming guards to split between North Springs and here and have a part B to that.  As I said before the part A phase 1 will be used with or without keeping Navarro on.  Then I have to figure where the response is going to go to.  Do we continue Cypress Trace?  Do we work out something with Navarro to be the responder or as responder along with providing us a floater or a full or half timer between districts.  I will do whatever direction you give me. 

            Mr. Fennell asked do we need somebody to design a system for us?  We currently have a perimeter system that is not working.

            Mr. Reyes responded it is working.  They will not activate it because of the shrubbery. 

            Mr. Moore stated you activate it and about ten minutes later it goes off.

            Mr. Fennell stated then we do not have a system. 

            Mr. Reyes stated with the components we are talking about we have the ability to put that together for you.  Then we can factor in the elements you want. 

            Mr. Keller stated if you come back to us with a package I will distribute it.

            Mr. Fennell stated it has to be a system we can turn on. 

            Mr. Keller stated bottom line is you have to have an effective system in whatever the components of it are so it works and works at the level we need.

            Mr. Eissler stated we should include night-time security.

            Mr. Fennell stated I appreciate what you did here in coming forward.  The districts do make separate decisions.  Each of us are a different funded board and we are basically looking for something for this plant.  You may want to include response to some of our pump stations. 

            Mr. Moore stated we are getting there.  We are running some tests and are hoping within four to five months it will also have the same type of system where it will call out the repair people and could be incorporated in this. 

            Mr. Keller stated I will follow up.  You can continue to consider the additional proposals from Navarro as we go through the budget process.  We will be working with you in the coming months on that for next fiscal year.  

            Mr. Hanks stated one more thing while we are looking at the security.  Are we going to be faced with the same issue about the guardhouse turnaround if we have a call box or other type of transponder?

            Mr. Moore responded possibly.  We cannot permit it as a stacking lane.  We have a call box now, whether or not it was permitted at any particular time, we are just going to upgrade the electronics to it and leave it where it is at.  We had numerous discussions with the city if I put in a guardhouse that meets current standards I have to move the gate eight to ten car links, which is another significant problem all by itself, that is why we have talked about just leaving the gate open.  I believe with the technology we have now the investment should probably work because as you come up the gate will open and other than some construction traffic you are pretty good distributing traffic throughout the day. 

            Mr. Hanks asked how is that going to work with the construction?

            Mr. Moore responded we will have to notify contractors coming to the gate.  As a final note we had numerous calls besides Navarro’s wanting to know when we are putting this back out to bid.  You have some options even if you decide to have an unarmed person or a monitoring system.

            Mr. Eissler stated we need to go out to bid on it. 

            Mr. Hanks stated it is a big contract we should go out to bid on it. 

            Mr. Fennell stated we want vastly improved security systems and we also want a response system. 

            Mr. Eissler asked can you find out what we pay Cypress Trace?

            Mr. Keller responded yes.  


A.                 Attorney – Lake Maintenance Agreement with Lake Coral Springs Association

            Mr. Fennell asked do we have anything on the lake maintenance agreement?

            Mr. Lyles responded we are status quo.  There are some details with cost items that they have requested and they are in the process of being supplied. 


THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Consideration of Resolution 2005-3 Designating George R. Keller, Jr. as Signatory on the District’s Safe Deposit Box

            Mr. Fennell stated it was a great meeting we had last week and brought up a lot of issues and helped me to understand more of what is going on. 

            Mr. Keller stated item number three is a seemingly small item.  I am told the District has a safe deposit box at the Wachovia bank in Coral Springs and has for many years though there is no described need for that to continue.  We are happy to save a little money for the District and close it out.  Nobody is quite sure what is in the box, if anything, or of any value.  To go into the box, clean it out and actually close it out we need someone who is a current representative authorized by the District Board, per the bank, to be able to do that. 

            Mr. Hanks asked do we have a key?

            Mr. Keller responded I have seen no key.


On MOTION by Mr. Hanks seconded by Mr. Eissler with all in favor Resolution 2005-3 Designating George R. Keller, Jr. as Signatory on the District’s Safe Deposit Box was adopted.



FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                          Staff Reports

B.                 Engineer

i.                    Monthly Water & Sewer Charts

Mr. Fennell asked what represents what the customer sees?  Do you think we are being guardians of the customers with these?

Mr. Eissler responded this tells us where we are.  I assume these are maximum and minimums of State and Federal standards and we meet all of them.

Mr. Moore responded within all limits.  Not to change the charts or anything but if you notice you always have twelve months.  I will be more than happy to put just this months on.  You look at the same information eleven times.

 Mr. Fennell stated I would like to see two things.  One would be customer complaints, what they were that month and the second would be any odor issues.  Is there any kind of control for that? 

Mr. Moore responded stated we have maintenance.  After so many hours on a pump, they get greased.  If we have to shut down our procedure is this: as we take down a plant we call the agencies ahead of time and tell them we are taking a plant down.  Before the hurricane the shafts on Plant B broke, we called and said it broke.  Any repercussion of that, such as overflowing or having to go to our ponds, is in our emergency procedures and you can expect anything to happen when our plant does not work.  We call the agencies and say we do not know what is going to come out of it.  When we have to take something down it can generate odor for a day or so, we know that and we make them aware of it so when somebody complains they can tell them they have been notified by us and we are making repairs and you may experience discomfort for a couple of days. 

Mr. Fennell stated what I would like to see is some kind of control where we can see we are getting close to a problem and therefore we have to take some kind of action. 

Mr. Eissler stated you cannot predicate when something is going to happen; if you could you would have a fail safe facility and you could fix it before hand. 

Mr. Moore stated we test the volumes everyday.  When there are certain volume of solids we waste them.  There are processes out there and you run it.  As long as the plant is ran as efficient as you can run it you are going to minimize the odor, you cannot ever eliminate the odor. 

Mr. Fennell stated no but you can judge which way it is going.

Mr. Moore stated we do a dissolved oxygen test everyday.  If it needs to be adjusted, they do so.  It is a day-to-day operation and unfortunately it is not just flip a switch, it takes a week for a plant to adjust.  You can adapt the best you can but it is not instantaneously.

Mr. Hanks stated on the inflow diagrams for water treatment and waste water treatment you may want to track down when we are getting the infiltrations. 

Mr. Moore stated I already have a program in place. 


ii.                  Update on Construction Analysis and Capital Improvement Plan for Next Five Years

Mr. McKune stated we have tweaked the capital improvement plan several times and it has been presented several times.  We are currently working with Severn Trent Services on the fiscal portion of the plan.  I do not know that the two of us have had the time in the past month to really put it together because of just cause meeting. 

Mr. Keller stated what we had planned on next week the Vice President, Mr. Ed Goscicki, Mr. McKune and myself sitting down to finalize both where we are at on the capital package itself and if we have any agreement or disagreement and put together some different variables in terms of how do you finance it.  Then bring you the pieces with our recommendations and go forward.  The timing is perfect right now.  The good news and bad news is that everything is happening at the same time as we go through the budget process.  It is good that we had the workshop and are talking about the capital improvement plan.  Today we received a draft of Mr. Herb Marlowe’s summary report on the workshop we have just gone through. 

Mr. Fennell asked have you done this with North Springs?

Mr. Keller responded we have not.  We offered it to them and they expressed interest in doing it.  It fairly represents the issues that were taken from the picture down to how do we actually get to specific goals and actual steps on implementation.  The key is we have some identified goals and areas we want to focus on.  What I recommend to you is the key people be involved in all issues here that work for the District are in almost all cases the same people involved in the collective budget process.  In the past the budget was done by maybe one person.  It may work but I do believe it is more productive and a better process if we have a collective use of all the resources throughout the organization.  A few weeks ago, we started working on a collective budgeting process involving people from Operations, Human Resources, Administrative, Field Operations and Internal Processes.  It includes people like Mr. Dan Daly, Mr. Jan Zilmer, Ms. Susan Walker, Mr. Roger Moore, Mr. Roy Kroker, myself, Mr. Jim Aversa, and Mr. Ward Crowell.  People involved in all different aspects of the organization and they are collectively now putting together the budget process so you get the benefit of all those different perspectives.  There was a time in the past where an individual did that and you would unfortunately not see certain elements detailed or represented as they could be.  The reason I am telling you that is those same people as we pull through this budget development process are the same people that in the next couple of months should be addressing how we flush out these actual steps.  Our schedule on the budget process is in about a month we should be able to present you with a draft budget and then we will have time to workshop the budget in more detail.  That being in the June and July timeframe and then you will have the August and September timeframe for actual public hearings and of course it will be adopted and completed before the end of September and the start of the fiscal year.  The key to this is where do we go from here with the focus, the goals, the good ideas, and the taking action steps.  To actually be able to do it is going to require some structural and process changes.  It is going to require some resources and as far as the application of certain people doing certain things and are many of the same things we need to detail and flush out as you go through a very comprehensive budget development process. 

Mr. Fennell stated these issues normally start coming up in June and it is April so we are good.  The first thing to be addressed is the accounting issue.  The accounting system is broken.  Here is what I see, we have our own accountant that person has sometimes gone back and forth between Gary L. Moyer and us and the computer was that way, too.  With Ms. Archer she was the thing that tied it all together.  I see from my limited viewpoint of accounting we have certain real issues.  Number 1 Severn Trent has its own accounting system, a new operating system.  Where is the new system located?

Mr. Keller responded University Drive.

Mr. Fennell stated you have put together a new system that was meant to be your own accounting system, not only for you internally but for serving the other people.  The issue is we have our own accounting system that does not tie in well with the new system, to the extent our accountant is not on the new system so there has been a division in the accounting function.  There is also a division now in accountability.  The accounting and buying system usually has three groups, the person purchasing, the person paying the bills and somebody should be monitoring.  It is not clear to me who these people are or if they are working well together.  It is pretty clear who it is here at CSID but our treasurer does not reside on the premises and the impression I get is the system you have is set up not for outsiders to be in but as a self-contained system.  There were a couple of questions I left you with last meeting.  One was is our accountant going to be allowed on the new system and the other was how you really monitor what goes on here with somebody down the street.  Just from an accounting standpoint, I see real issues.  We need internal monitoring of our own people and they need to be in the system that somebody else is monitoring.  As I understand it we did not have a transition time to accommodate them. 

Mr. Keller stated we agree it needs to be addressed and addressed immediately.  I had some additional discussion on Friday with the Vice President, Mr. Ed Goscicki and the Director of Treasury Services, Ms. Karen Ellis.  What we can do; first is it possible CSID and the accounting practices here be allowed to participate with the new operating software that is being incorporated by Severn Trent to all of the other scores of districts we provide financial management services for and the answer is yes, it is possible.  The way we can do that and it ties into the whole issue we have talked about before with signatures on the checks and who signs as treasurer and who takes those responsibilities.  There does need to be that kind of monitoring and that kind of a role, Ms. Ellis is proceeding to do those things with the banks to secure the changes in terms of being able to sign on the checks for both her name and my name.  What it will require is her being directly involved in monitoring, supervising and working directly with the District accountants so they do know what they do.  The District accountant remains an employee of the District but would work directly with and be supervised by the Treasury Director to have the kind of checks, balances and monitoring to give integrity to the system, sign off as the treasurer, sign off on the checks and then I believe it may be possible to utilize the operating system as well. 

Mr. Fennell stated so it is possible for us to go to the new system up to this point it has not been.  Half of the friction we see is that issue alone.

Mr. Keller stated I am telling you in one day’s time we are going to find out if it is a possibility.  Can I tell you it is an absolute?  The answer I got was it is a possibility if we can put this package together. 

Mr. Daly stated two months ago I asked Mr. Goscicki this very same question about the software, he said he had access to it. 

Mr. Fennell stated this is becoming an issue where everything was open to everybody before and now we run into a case where we have a private business that actually has records it wants to keep to itself and not seen by our accountants.   Which is a problem most accounting firms have.  They do not share records with other people.  Most small companies have their own accountant/bookkeeper and they have their own accounting firm who watches what they do, that is not unusual so I am trying to figure where you guys are coming from, how do you position yourself?

Mr. Keller responded the issue with the new operating system to this day is it is still being migrated and integrated, I cannot tell you it is 100% complete but it is getting close.  The issue as I understand it is with the IT personnel and security, in terms of who has access to it because it actually ties into many of the other operating systems and mainframe and it is a security issue.  I cannot speak ultimately for the position Severn Trent is going to take but my understanding is it is possible if you put those other checks and balances in place.  You are right that is the standard as far as a good business practice, it is the standard in government accounting, it is the standard that you always have; a financial manager who works with the accountant.  There is a system of checks and balances, you separate payments and receipts because it is just a good business practice.

Mr. Fennell stated it is a possibility but we do not have confirmation.  Let’s take it back the other way.  We have a perfectly good machine sitting here, which is doing ours, North Springs and a couple of others accounting, billing, and payroll as well as running the computers for this office.  This is more than an off-site system this is our computer system.  I looked the guy up in the computer from IBM and they have a more modern one but they have a certain block computer that is meant to do this and you were right this thing does not go obsolete they have upgrades to it.  The software and business software is written for this machine, for this series to do exactly what it is doing. 

Mr. Keller asked is this running off of AS 400?

Mr. Daly responded yes.  IBM makes them so if you do not upgrade every six years or so you are costing out of it.  They will let you upgrade but right now with plus, plus, plus you can pretty much buy a brand new machine for $24,000 with three years of maintenance on it for what you would get with keeping this one going and naturally you get the ability to upgrade the operating system now.  This system is at the level we cannot upgrade the operating system anymore unless we change out thousands of dollars of hardware, but it works great. 

Mr. Fennell asked if we went to the other system wouldn’t we still have to have this computer for the other in-house systems we are driving? 

Mr. Daly responded if accounting went to the Severn Trent building and Ms. Walker was able to log into there and do her work as you can do and the utility billing system and programs are still AS 400 only.  The payroll is AS 400 also because when the system was purchased it was purchased as a modular type of thing.  Everything dumped into the general ledger systems.  Any payroll or utility billing or any other modules purchased or used dumped into a general ledger according to a line item and a good accountant would pretty much have everything there at their fingertips when they want to do a trial balance, et cetera.  In this case, Ms. Walker or whatever accountant, as they do for the other districts who bill through Severn Trent, I prepare reports every month and send them over and they log all of the revenues for water, sewer, et cetera, et cetera.  

Mr. Fennell asked what was the plan for operating our system given that we have the computers a half a mile away?  How was it going to serve this building?

Mr. Keller responded in terms of the new operating system there was always a choice to go one-way or the other.

Mr. Fennell asked was it going to take over some of the functions?  How could it?

Mr. Keller responded I do not claim to be the IT guy and you do not want to ask me IT questions.   There is capacity in the system to do some of the work that needs to be done here.

Mr. Fennell stated the email for instance.  Is it going to do that?

Mr. Keller responded if your question was, was the intent to try to use that system to take over all the functions; that was not the intent. 

Mr. Fennell stated as I perceive this we have another computer out there, which is a completely different type of system offline; which is doing a good job of doing the accounting for remote sites, but it does not have all the other functions we use.  My question was; is the change over planned and what about all the other issues and how are they going to cover them?  Why is this all germane?  Because do we need the computer there or not becomes the question and can we just say okay we will go down the street?  It looks to me like we cannot, it looks like we are using it for a half dozen other things around here. 

Mr. Keller stated again I am not the IT expert but the financial management software and the other things the mainframe does there, I do not know if it was ever intended to do all the things being done here.  Certainly, the financial management can be done and still have the free standing functions here.  You have those options. 

Mr. Daly stated part of the underlying theme of the tirade that happened Thursday between Ms. Walker and the accounting issue was not that she wanted to be on that system but was she felt with the computer fees that have been paid over the years we should have been upgraded on this system.  I said I do not know if it is feasible when they have taken all the databases off and put them on a brand new built to order system. 

Mr. Fennell stated she was also excluded.  We have not yet resolved this issue; which is basically that she was told she cannot go on this system.

Mr. Keller stated under the structure that existed before with the package that I am telling you now and putting all of the balances in place then I think it is possible. 

Mr. Fennell stated you have not said yes yet, but at least you are reconsidering. 

Mr. Keller stated I am not reconsidering I am just telling you what I was told.  We believe it is possible with putting the total package together, which is probably a better system for everybody concerned.

Mr. Fennell stated we may still need the computer system here unless I am missing something.   There are issues here, the financial things that any company should have: who signs the checks, who is the treasurer, how is the treasurer monitored, who is actually doing it. 

Mr. Hanks asked don’t you have a problem with the treasurer signing checks off-site of what is happening here?

Mr. Fennell stated yes I do. 

Mr. Eissler stated I have a major problem with it.

Mr. Hanks stated Mr. Keller signing a check is fine. 

Mr. Keller stated it is not so much an issue of off-site.  It is in terms of the working relationship because one persons office is a half mile down the road does not matter today with technology and being able to be done electronically.  If they have a working relationship and all the checks and balances are put in place and some of the separations, you talked about before the District benefits from that system.  You really need to have a financial manager involved with the District accounting functions.  I am not a financial manager but you need to have one.

Mr. Fennell stated we did have with Ms. Rhonda Archer, even remotely, she was still watching some of the things going on.  It is breaking down to three issues.  We are still going to need a computer here. 

Mr. Daly stated we can operate on what we have.  Severn Trent is going to spend money every year to keep it going.  There are maintenance agreements, software and things you have to do because we are mirrored right now, so if one of the discs goes down we call them they come out and put another one in, nothing is ever lost.  We are using it a lot less now that we have 20 people who are not on it all the time, but it will run from now until the cows come home.  It does not become good money because of what you are spending you can get brand new, top speed, today’s technology in a two-year period for what you spent in one year.  To say we have to have it, it is prudent to look at it, but we do not have to because this one will continue to run just as it has been. 

Mr. Fennell asked is the letter on replacement still good?

Mr. Daly responded yes. 

Mr. Fennell stated this should have been solved three months ago, so that is a negative against Severn Trent.  This should not have been allowed to get to this point on several different issues both from a financial standpoint but more from a morale standpoint.  Going forward what we need to decide is whether or not it is possible for us to get in that system, secondly is it possible for us to use our current system and we either buy the computer or upgrade it ourselves.  Either one of those systems requires we have correct financial items in place, there must be supervision, checks and balances actively done, people signing checks even though their signatures go on automatically really should be reviewing what is going on.  I saw not only the physical issues going forward but the structural issues which I do not think your treasurer is comfortable being treasurer. 

Mr. Keller stated I do not want to speak for the Director of Treasury Services, I think she is comfortable performing the function as long as all the pieces fit together, but her position is how can she legitimately attest to the validity of the system without being involved in the checks and balances and put her name on it.  I cannot tell you about what happened in the months and years before but coming in and being warned off in trying to address the issues and trying to make the changes we think we need to be made for whatever reason, we are trying to look at ways to improve upon it.  I think in short order we can have an answer on the availability of the new system.  Ms. Ellis is already working on what needs to be done in terms of check signing and the names being done; it should be done in the next couple of weeks.  We can find out about selling or buying and on the financial end we know what we can do and we can argue that and integrate into our existing operation.

Mr. Fennell stated there is a third option, which is we should go out and look for another accountant.  We can contract out for accounting services there are a lot of little places around.  It does not look like Severn Trent is comfortable in the current role it is playing.  I want to maintain as much function as we can in-house.  I am not comfortable giving up our entire function to Severn Trent; which one could almost say we have been put in a position where it is going to happen. 

Mr. Keller stated to be clear for the record the Director of Treasury Services and the Vice President of Severn Trent have no problem working together on that with the pieces we talked about here today.  As long as the checks and balances are in place, the supervision is there, we have no problem doing that what so ever as long as we have all those pieces in place.  You cannot do some pieces of it and not have the other and expect someone to attest to the regulations being in place without that.  Why some of those things have not taken place in the past or why some of those relationships are not there I cannot give you all of those answers but this is what we can do to fix it.

Mr. Fennell stated it basically comes down to us using your system, us buying and owning our own system or having an outside accounting management service.  We need to pick one of the three and make it work.  We need to decide if we want an outside accounting service and still be viewed as a manager still responsible for client finances.  Severn Trent is also going to have to be able to manage an outside accounting source.  Right now we do not have a very good system.

Mr. Keller stated remember we are telling you the District accountant remains the District accountant and an employee of the District. 

Mr. Fennell stated we have our own accounting system and Severn Trent is really the people who were supposed to be looking over it and they developed their own system with their own accounting people and system and were not integrated into our previous system. 

Mr. Daly asked when you say system do you mean physical or software?

Mr. Fennell responded both.  There is the physical system and someone coming in and looking over the books.  Because the new system came in they are physically integrated into their own physical system not ours. 

Mr. Daly stated it seems like we are discussing physical systems when what really seemed to be happening is a personal or procedural problem manifesting itself last Thursday. 

Mr. Fennell stated what happened was the people and the accountants follow the physical system.  When the new system got started they were no longer using this physical system.  Everybody was not on the same system, they divided the physical systems and when they did they essentially divided the people, their communications and procedures. 

The sources come from two different points.  One physically dividing up the accounting systems and putting them in different places and secondly having people work.

Mr. Daly stated the building the accounting system is in now was never on this system.  There were 160 districts on this system and the management and the employees at the other building were not.  There was never any oversight from that building over here and when Manatron upgraded and built their own all 160 districts that were on this system for which Severn Trent did accounting were put over on to it and were placed under one roof.  They never talked to each other anyway no matter what system.

Mr. Fennell asked who was watching?

Mr. Daly responded Ms. Archer, after that Mr. Hans, and Ms. Hayworth was actively involved in any check written by Ms. Walker. 

Mr. Keller stated if I am not mistaken, there were two operating systems at the other office and there was a desire of course to reduce that down.

Mr. Daly stated all of the employees used to be here and then they moved to the 8th floor over there and tunneled into the system.  Across the hall or downstairs was the other Manatron system.

Mr. Fennell asked where is our accountant located?

Mr. Daly responded here.

Mr. Keller stated it made good sense when it came time to upgrade those two to move into one and merge and is what is taking place now and being fined tuned.  As far as any financial management oversight within this building, my understanding and I worked with Mr. Hans for a number of months, he was also not being a financial manager.  His oversight was very limited so over time you start to get reduction of the oversight of the checks, balances and supervision.  What has happened over the last year, Ms. Hayworth reviews invoices and checks but that is only a limited amount and does not involve the other practices that go on there. 

Mr. Fennell stated we need to resolve this; it is one of the broken things. 

Mr. Daly stated one last thing about the computer system.  You mentioned maybe we will buy it from Severn Trent, that will require licensing of software.  If there are overtures to Severn Trent that we want to buy it, it needs to stay in Severn Trent’s name. 

Mr. Fennell stated there are three possibilities here and is obvious we have to do something.  You need to put yourself full-time and figure this one out or get someone else in here who can.  This one needs to be resolved pronto.

Mr. Keller stated as I said before I can get you a final answer on the issue to access of the operating system, but absent that if it is not available, the other participation we talked about; the direct involvement with the checks and balances, supervision with a financial manager, signing on as the treasurer, we can do with or without the operating system.  It will happen a lot faster than contracting with an outside accounting service.

Mr. Fennell stated I need to hear concrete proposals.  Right now we have our system we are using on your computer with very weak financial control. 

Mr. Keller stated we can move to do that very quickly.

Mr. Fennell stated we need to fix the financial controls issue and then we have to fix what is our transition issue for us for the computer.  It is our whole operating system here.  We have an issue above and beyond your new financial system.  We need a transition plan and we need a plan for a financial monitor. 

Mr. Keller stated it is one of our responsibilities under the contract to supervise the employees in the District and we are happy to do that side as well as the other side and we can as long as we put all of the pieces together. 

Mr. Fennell asked when can you have something?  I really do not want to wait until the next meeting.  Call up each one of us and tell us what is going on.

Mr. Keller stated qualitatively I can tell you right now that is what we will proceed on; I can hopefully have an answer for you in a few days on the operating system.  Ms. Ellis is moving to do the necessary paperwork to be able to sign on as the treasurer and we can have her working on a close relationship with Ms. Walker.

Mr. Fennell stated there is the issue of sitting down and talking with the appropriate people and telling them what is going on.  Getting some of their input on this and what they would like to see.

Mr. Keller stated it has been in short order while things have moved along quickly the last day or two.  Those are the basic elements and we are prepared to do that.

Mr. Fennell stated you are going to call each of us by next Monday and tell us what is going on. 

Mr. Keller stated probably before the end of the week. 

Mr. Daly asked did Mr. Goscicki ever say he was going to abandon this system?  He said something kind of general to the North Springs board saying we are basically off this system now, et cetera.  It is a big deal because we own the programs and we cannot use the programs if Severn Trent decides to take the box and use the program somewhere else.  It cannot be used twice. 

Mr. Keller responded I have not heard him say he is going to abandon the system.  Obviously, we are going to utilize the software and some of the mainframes.  That is one of the questions; what can we do and how do the pieces fit together. 

 Mr. Daly stated I can provide you with what it cost Severn Trent for a year to keep this going. 

Mr. Fennell asked are software licenses negotiable?

Mr. Daly stated yes they are.  Severn Trent was going to go with credit card payments as we do here.  They have a box in Houston with the same programs we have, it was purchased the same day.  I called them up and asked how much for two and he doubled the price.  He said no they are not making a price for two because they felt they were within reason, so we bought it and they did not because they thought the price was to much.  It was $50,000 for a software module. 

Mr. Fennell stated the license is a big issue.  We have our accounting system with one particular group that does utility billing.  Are you using the same software?

Mr. Daly responded no.  This software feeds one into another, into another, into another.  They pretty much have one module for accounting because Severn Trent uses ADP instead of payroll.  I do the billing on this system for the eight other districts of Severn Trent’s.  They do not need to make the investment of a utility billing program because they made it.

Mr. Fennell asked who is writing your software?

Mr. Daly responded it was pretty much custom; we sat down in a meeting and they said what would you like this to do and they were going to build a utility billing software.

Mr. Keller stated there is an IT staff of several people at the other building.

Mr. Fennell stated the problem with custom software is in four years all of the IT people are gone and nobody knows how to write that stuff.

Mr. Keller stated usually what happens having been through some of these migrations before; there is an open architecture and a basic structure to it and a certain amount of design flexibility so you can tailor it towards your specific needs.

Mr. Daly stated there is the point that I mention if Severn Trent decides they want to use these programs then there is an issue with CSID because the programs cannot reside on two licenses.

Mr. Fennell stated we still have three people paying a license.  In addition, there is other stuff going on the new system. 

Mr. Keller stated it was a collapse from two to one at the other building. 

Mr. Fennell asked what are you going to do with this system?

Mr. Keller responded I do not know that there was an intention to abandon this system or necessarily to shift everything over but some functions could be made available on that and some could be maintained here. 

Mr. Eissler stated I would think Severn Trent was planning on taking over the entire accounting system.  As a management company, they would do the whole ball of wax. 

Mr. Keller stated I will be honest with you I have not heard that. 

Mr. Eissler stated I am thinking out loud but if I was Severn Trent that is what I would be thinking. 

Mr. Fennell stated there was a real problem with this physical computer doing other things here and I do not think they have a plan for that. 

Mr. Keller stated I do not think there was a plan to try and eliminate it with some other system elsewhere.  Remember that is concentrated on the financial management side and not the other functions here. 

Mr. Fennell asked what do you guys want to do with Severn Trent?

Mr. Daly responded I do not mind the way it is now.  Ms. Walker was going off on the functionality of the system, I think it had more to do with there are updated programs out there by the same company that were never purchased and that being said the system works fine the way it is now.  It is our hardware we cannot upgrade in the operating system without putting a lot of expense into tape drives, et cetera, the new operating system only deals with larger tape drives so we would have to change that out.  When you talk about it then you are talking $10,000.  You can get a new machine with three years warranty for that. 

Mr. Fennell asked so maybe we can get a new machine then what?

Mr. Daly responded then it is a matter of software.

Mr. Fennell stated I saw in your estimate, the operating cost of the software is fairly expensive.  Before we were dividing the cost between a lot of different groups and now we are down to four of us. 

Mr. Daly stated maybe it is just one.  CSID spent $50,000 as a line item for the use of this computer over the last five years and another $70,000 for the software.  

Mr. Fennell stated I am interested in what you and Ms. Walker want to propose.  I also want to see what you recommend.  I am looking for two recommendations. 

Mr. Keller stated we will get back with you before the end of the week. There are some variables and elements that go with it.

Mr. Fennell stated I understand and Ms. Walker should understand that she should want this, she needs to have someone else looking over her shoulder.  She needs to have it just for herself, in the accounting function you better have it, you do not want to be hanging out there by yourself. 

Mr. Keller stated exactly, it is go for everybody. 

Mr. Hanks asked when you say accounting is that a CPA?

Mr. Fennell responded Ms. Walker is not a CPA, but we do need someone somewhere.

Mr. Keller stated we do have others who can provide that service.

Mr. Fennell stated the Board considers this the top priority of all the issues that came out.  It has to be fixed.  Looking over it we have to decide what we are going to do with the equipment but first we have to decide the accounting structure. 


C.                 Complaints Received/Resolved

            Mr. Fennell stated one of the things I carried away from this list is we need to make sure the things we overview and how we eventually line up the organization is in fact dependent upon customers needs and quality.  Are we in fact pleasing our customers and I am looking for ways to do that.  What customer complaints do we have this month?  I am still looking for control systems that will solve odor problems quicker when we do have one and response time. 

            Mr. Moore stated I do not know how broad you want it.

            Mr. Fennell stated just a piece of paper.  Problems we had and what we did to solve and control them.

            Mr. Moore stated let us put something together for you for the next Board meeting.  What you are going to find is we may have a complaint because someone got a $400 water bill so it may take a month by the time he calls, we send a crew out to check the meter and it could be an ongoing process.  To show the complaint as a line item may not be fair to both parties until we have action and completion.  Nine times out of ten it is something like they have a leak on their side.  We may clean three sewers a week.  Do you want that to come to you?

            Mr. Fennell responded yes.

            Mr. Eissler stated in some sort of keeping in the operating that may clue us in.  You have an awful lot on your shoulders and to you it may not seem like something, but all of a sudden it is the fourth sewer clean out you had out in Maplewood Isles, what is going on there?  Do we need to take a look at other remedies?  Things along those lines.

            Mr. Fennell stated typically when you list problems you can follow up with quick steps being investigated, solved this and did this.  It should not be real long.

            Mr. Eissler stated to give us a status.  This is the concerns raised and if we choose to bring it up for discussion. 

            Mr. Daly asked do we want to follow up with the customers with a questionnaire about the service they received?

            Mr. Fennell responded it might be a good thing but for now just get us the complaints. 


FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                               Supervisor’s Request and Audience Comments

            There not being any, the next item followed.


SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                              Approval of Invoices

            There being no comments or questions,


On MOTION by Mr. Eissler seconded by Mr. Hanks with all in favor the April Invoices were approved.


SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                        Adjournment

            There being no further business,


On MOTION by Mr. Fennell seconded by Mr. Hanks with all in favor the meeting was adjourned. 





Glen Hanks                                                                  Robert Fennell

Secretary                                                                      President