A workshop meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Coral Springs Improvement District was held on Thursday, April 14, 2005 at 1:05 p.m. at the District Office, 10300 NW 11th Manor, Coral Springs, Florida.


Present were and constituting a quorum:


Robert Fennell                                            President

Bill Eissler                                                   Vice President

Glen Hanks                                                Secretary


Also present were:


George R. Keller, Jr.                                  Manager

Dennis Lyles                                               Attorney

John McKune                                             Engineer

Dan Daly                                                    Utility Billing

Ed Goscicki                                                Severn Trent Services

Roy Kroker                                                Seven Trent Services

Roger Moore                                             Severn Trent Services

Jean Rugg                                                   Severn Trent Services

Joni Hayworth                                            District Staff

Jan Zilmer                                                   District Staff 

Sue Walker                                                District Staff 

Randy Frederick                                         District Staff

Doug Hyche                                               District Staff

Jim Aversa                                                 District Staff

Herb Marlowe                                            Facilitator



The following is a summary of the discussions from the April 14, 2005 workshop relating to Strategic Planning for the District.


            Mr. Fennell called the meeting to order and Mr. Keller called the roll.

            Mr. Fennell made opening statements regarding some of the issues that have arisen, and the forum of the workshop to give us the time to look at where we are at in the District, the changes that have occurred, and where to go in the future. 

            Mr. Eissler brought up the fact the District is embarking on a $17 million improvement/replacement program, and the need to have the right management and engineering firm in place. 

            Mr. Marlowe presented a list of agenda items from the discussions between himself and the Board members [copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of the public record], and requested the Board pick three items of priority.  Goals of the meeting is to discuss these priority items, get a sense of direction, and come up with an action plan for a future decision. 

            Mr. Fennell picked define the problem with morale, the organizational structure and organizational practices. 

            Mr. Eissler picked #3, 4 & 6 [Organizational Structure Issues, Organizational Process Issues & Organizational Practices to re-examine].

            Mr. Hanks picked relationships and role of management company, consulting engineer and payment for the expansion program.


            Factors for Low Morale Issues:

·              Underlying problem and fundamental issues need to be defined

·              Job responsibility confusion and insecurity of employees

·              Roles of employees of CSID and management [management style]

·              Policies and procedures

·              Number of changes in management over the last five years

·              Perceptions of STS taking over the operations


            Mr. Zilmer brought forth the fact that the employees present need to feel secure that they can discuss these issues openly, without retribution. 

            Mr. Keller stated the reason for this workshop is to get things out in the open, and for the suggestion to have the workshop. 

            STS concern is to resolve the confusion, have all individuals on the same playing field and working toward a common set of goals.

            Mr. Fennell stated caveats are you cannot become personal, and we need to come up with suggestions for improvements. 



            Suggested Improvements for Morale, Structural Organization and Procedures:

·        Factual information circulated to avoid rumors

·        Acknowledge culture changes in management and moving to a structured management

·        Renegotiate verbal agreements and document the agreements

·        Clear goals as to who is working for/ Reporting relationships

·        Incorporation of existing employees into the new process

·        Corporate environment/ not an entitlement program/ culture framework

·        Assurance policies and practices are even-handily applied to all

·        Efficiency of the organization as a whole [management/staff/operations]

·        Focus on management, financial and the $17 million program and remove conflicting goals and quantify issues

·        Better communication among staff and management

·        Encouragement by management and staff of its employees

·        Prioritizing of issues

·        Possibility of hiring a senior manager who is directly employed by the District and not STS


            Mr. Hanks commented on the Board not being up on the operational issues and looking to the management firms for guidance.  District has a fixed revenue stream, looking to replace its facilities and we [both management and district] need to figure out a way to handle this.

            Mr. Eissler opined that the District has to be run as a corporation; money is a critical issue to keep this District’s operations going; the need to look to management for guidance; employees need to know they are secure in their jobs, unless of course there is wrong doing; the possibility of running the District by all CSID employees; and evaluation of employees. 

            Mr. Fennell stated management and employees dealing with issues that do not directly relate to CSID.  People did not specifically work for CSID; they worked for Gary Moyer, Rhonda Archer, and Donna Holiday.  CSID was one of their customers, and they made a nice business for themselves.  Employees loyalty should be with CSID.  Severn Trent is a service we buy.  Sharing of employees needs to be under a formal Interlocal Agreement.  The distinctions between management and staff were blurred.

            Mr. Kroker stated there is a need for some type of process to meld this into one culture, either by training sessions or focus groups to come up with a common method to do things and view the way they are doing things.

            Mr. Marlowe stated there is a need to create a CSID culture and build an organizational structure.


            Alternatives presented to build the organization structure:

·        CSID being an independent organization

·        All STS and let them run the organization

·        Status Quo

·        Shared responsibilities with shared CSID and STS employees with clear delineation of roles

·        Additional contracted functions, such as accounting, human resources, billing

·        Merging with other districts

·        Being bought out by the city

·        A single person being the District manager directly reporting to the Board, and STS also reporting to the District manager; i.e., certain clear functions with STS


The record will reflect there was a 15 minute break.


            Mr. Daly stated in fairness, many of these problems were inherited by Mr. Keller and is not a reflection of Mr. Keller.

            Ms. Hayworth stated I see where the different positions within our own organization need to be defined as to who reports to whom.  Originally it was Mr. Zilmer, Mr. Daly, Ms. Walker and me.  Now STS has 192 districts.  It went from mom and pop to this major organization. 


            Mr. Marlowe asked each individual to write down three goals they would like to see for this organization over the next three years.


            Identification of Processes to be worked on:

·        Formal process of review of management and consultants every two years

·        Written job descriptions and yearly reviews; and open door policy

·        Manager of the District being a CSID employee who reports to the Board

·        Services scope and provision process

·        Incorporation of two sets of policies into one; clear grievance policies

·        Meetings with management; Performance feedback

·        Finalization of five-year capital improvement plan

·        Define roles and responsibilities

·        One corporate mentality

·        Through collective budget development process

·        The breaking out of costs between the districts because CSID was the first district and needs to ensure they are getting reimbursed correctly; and CSID is getting a good deal

·        Define expectations in services [management, operations, records, financial and fiscal]

·        Define functions and core processes [financial, operations, business planning, records administration, capital planning, engineering, personnel, legal, customer services, general management]


            Current Function Oversight and by Whom:

·        Financial mgt – split [oversight by Board, audit, internal oversight]

·        Operations – STS oversight; CSID actual operations

·        Planning and development – STS; CH2MHill

·        Records administration – STS

·        Engineering – CH2MHill

·        Personnel – CSID

·        Legal – Dennis Lyles, Esq.

·        Customer services – Shared

·        General mgt – Media Contact – STS mgr.


            Concerns were voiced relating to the financial oversight, signatories on the accounts, closeness versus expertise of accounting relationship between STS and the District, internal review of invoices, shared employee functions, and the employee relationships with multiple agencies.

            Additional discussions related to employees being CSID only with formal lease agreements for services, the hiring of an on-site manager, the new accounting system being implemented by STS, the benefit of contracted services, the salary structure and adjustments to salaries due to what the marketplace will bear, the change in roles of the District and its internal organization.


            Goals participants would like to see:

·        Management restructuring or reorganization and succession

·        Finalize capital improvement plan

·        Cost reduction with incentives

·        Create a mission statement

·        Establish checks and balances for outsourced roles

·        Differences between STS and CSID be ironed out

·        Update of computer system

·        Accountability in staffing

·        Analysis of rate structure

·        Analyzing the security system

·        Balancing of budgets and resources with all districts

·        Uniform policy and procedures


            Mr. Fennell suggested the need for Mr. Adair to perform an analysis on an ad hoc basis due to his past experience with the District and his profession as a CPA, and its possible consideration at the next meeting of the Board.

            At this time, groups were formed to come up with a mission statement for the District.

            Mr. Marlowe polled the Board and participates on the issues discussed. 

            A brief discussion took place as to the best way to proceed based on the findings and input brought forth.

            The workshop was adjourned at 5:11 p.m.




Glen Hanks                                                            Robert Fennell

Secretary                                                                President