The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Coral Springs Improvement District was held on Monday, March 19, 2007 at 4:00 p.m. in the District Offices, 10300 NW 11th Manor, Coral Springs, Florida.


            Present and constituting a quorum were:


            Bob Fennell                                                President

            Glen Hanks                                                Vice President

            Sharon Zich                                                Secretary


            Also present were:


            Ed Goscicki                                                Manager – Severn Trent Services

            Dennis Lyles                                               Attorney

            John McKune                                             Engineer

            Isabello Rodriguez                                      CH2M-Hill

            Jane Early                                                   CH2M-Hill

            David Green                                               CH2M-Hill

            Randy Fredericks                                       Field Supervisor

            Doug Hyche                                               District Staff

            Dan Daly                                                    District Staff

            Diane Manza                                              Severn Trent Services

            Mona Slaughter                                          Severn Trent Services

            Marilyn Murphy                                          Severn Trent Services

            Pam Rower                                                Severn Trent Services

            John Petty                                                 

            Janice Larned                                            


FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS                         Roll Call

Mr. Fennell called the meeting to order and Mr. Goscicki called the roll. 


SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS                    Temporary Appointment of District Manager

Mr. Fennell asked what happened?

Mr. Goscicki responded my understanding is we had a resignation within our organization from Mr. John Petty.  Severn Trent Services asked me to act as District Manager, since I have a history with this District as District Manager.  I am familiar with the history of the District and the issues.  The intent is for me to act on an interim basis until we can restructure and provide a permanent District Manager, at which time we will transition.

            Mr. Fennell asked are there any other resignations or pending resignations?

            Mr. Goscicki responded I understand from emails I received this morning that Ms. Larned resigned from Severn Trent Services effective immediately.

            Mr. Fennell stated temporarily, we need to have a District Manager.  I propose using existing staff for this purpose and suggest appointing Mr. Dan Daly to serve in this capacity.  Mr. Daly is already part of our management staff.  He has over 15 years experience working in the Building Department for CSID and NSID and recently took charge over the billing and operations.  He admirably handled the experiences we endured during Hurricane Wilma.  In fact, he handled all the difficult calls as far as fallen trees.  A number of current employees report to him.  He works for us, understands our situation and I propose on a temporary basis while we search for a permanent manager, he become our District Manager.  He is more than welcome to apply as our permanent District Manager.  This will give us stability by using someone we know who is on-site.  I think he can handle the position.  He is surrounded by staff who have more than enough capabilities.  In looking at the situations we faced during Hurricane Wilma, our staff handled the situation.

            Mr. Hanks stated in regards to the issues before us, let’s determine who is going to be the right person to continue moving those projects along to the next step.  Is this something we should be covering at this meeting?

            Mr. Lyles responded Severn Trent Services has a contract and under this contract, they are the District Manager.  The Board has the sole authority to choose an individual to be the primary provider of District services under this contract.  The individual you previously approved resigned from Severn Trent Services and is no longer with the company.  Therefore, you need to authorize someone to serve in the capacity of District Manager.  Mr. Fennell proposed we transfer those duties to a management employee of CSID on an interim basis.  Severn Trent Services will continue under any scenario for 60 days because this is the notice you need to give if you plan to sever ties with this relationship.  There needs to be some type of working relationship the management providers will work out with you so your business is taken care of effectively and efficiently.  In terms of when you discuss this item is going to be up to the Board but under any scenario, you have a 60 day period during which time Severn Trent Services will still be on board.  What was proposed by Mr. Fennell is an interim role to be filled by Mr. Daly while the process of obtaining proposals is ongoing.

            Mr. Fennell stated this is what I propose under item three.

            Mr. Hanks stated I was surprised by Mr. Fennell’s suggestion.  I was expecting for Severn Trent Services to provide an interim manager.

            Ms. Zich stated when I saw the agenda; I realized someone was not going to be here.

            Mr. Fennell stated we are in a stronger position than we have been in a long time thanks to Mr. Petty’s efforts and others.  We consolidated our management structure within CSID to a point where we have our own structure and assist other districts.  We have strong expertise in a number of different areas.  During our crisis, CSID employees were able to hold down the operation to the point where we were well off while Severn Trent Services employees were hard to find as we were not the worst case they had to take care of.

            Mr. Goscicki stated I disagree.  At the time, we were in contact with your staff and available.  You are absolutely correct; staff did a great job and did not need help.  It was not that we were not available.  They did not need us.

            Mr. Fennell stated you are correct.  Staff can handle themselves, especially on an interim basis.  We should look for the best manager possible.  We are on our fifth manager in 24 months.  To be honest, most groups cannot take this type of turnover.  We should look for our own manager or sharing a manager.

            Mr. Hanks asked have you looked into other services Severn Trent Services provides and how well they handle those services?

            Mr. Fennell responded yes.  Severn Trent Services provides us with management services, accounting, recording and administration.  Those are the main services.  Our accounting and billing services are operating better than before.  Unfortunately, I found out the person assisting us with our finances, has also left.  Certainly management and accounting are our key fundamental services.  We can handle recording and administration on a contract basis and we have the personnel to continue running on a day to day basis.  Mr. Daly has the experience to operate adequately, which gives us the time to proceed.  I feel we can stand on our own well.  This not only pertains to our District but the manpower we sell to other districts, which I do not see an interruption in.  We need to take quick action to make sure this happens.

            Mr. Hanks stated you mentioned provision of service to other districts.  Has this been coordinated through Severn Trent Services?

            Mr. Fennell responded at this point, not anymore.  The employees report to us and bill CSID directly.  Money is not changing hands through Severn Trent Services.  We asked Severn Trent Services and their employees to consolidate this better.  A couple of years ago, there was confusion as to who reported to whom and what kind of services.  We are in a much better position to do this now than two years ago.  We are standing on our own on a day to day basis.  We just need to make sure there is someone in charge we can go to.  This gives us sufficient time to look around to see what we want to do next.

            Mr. Hanks stated we need to decide whether we need to hire a person directly or put it out for bid.

            Mr. Fennell stated it could be either one as the Board directs.  We do not need to make a decision tonight or next month but make it in the next five or six months.

            Mr. Hanks asked do we feel Mr. Daly is the best person to guide us through the transition.

            Mr. Fennell stated other staff members are capable.

            Mr. Hanks stated I think Mr. Goscicki is a great person but I am asking these questions to see what the Board thinks.

            Mr. Fennell stated I feel Mr. Daly is the best person.  Mr. Jan Zilmer is another possibility.  He is already running the operations.  Mr. Zilmer is the perfect compliment to Mr. Daly.  On a day to day basis, Mr. Petty had a strong operations background but he already has strong people reporting to him. 

            Mr. Goscicki stated at least one member of the Board made the decision to go out for proposals from other companies providing management services.  If this is your decision, ST certainly abides.  As District Counsel pointed out, we have a 60 day termination provision.  The reason is to protect you as well as to give us the time to allow for an orderly transition.  If you give us our termination notice today, we are still around for the next 60 days.

            Mr. Fennell stated we discussed this issue before and decided to look around and we did.  We actually ended up coming back to Severn Trent Services.  This could happen again in the future.  Thanks to the good work Severn Trent Services provided to us, we are in a stronger position to where we can be on our own.  We like the type of management style on-site, which you can see by walking around the Water Treatment Plant.

            Mr. Goscicki stated we understand.

            Mr. Fennell stated this is important to us.  I was hoping a larger organization would be more stable.  The problem is you are doing such a good job training managers; they are leaving.  We are better off on our own.  However, I was hoping to maintain some of the services Severn Trent Services provides.  It is time for CSID to look for its own District Manager, which can be accomplished by hiring someone indirectly or hiring another management company.


THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS                       Review of Management Contract with Severn Trent

            Mr. Fennell stated I propose we give Severn Trent Services 60 days notice.  Please help us out with the transition process in the next 60 days and come back to us during the transition as we review our management structure.  We have been through this before and I recall month after month having temporary managers.  It takes time to find adequate services.  Luckily we are blessed with staff who are self sufficient.

            Mr. Hanks asked is Mr. Goscicki based out of Sarasota?

            Mr. Goscicki responded yes.

            Mr. Hanks stated obviously this came as a surprise and you did not have any plan.  In any organization for any position, there should be a contingency for deaths or resignations.  What is your plan going forward?

            Mr. Goscicki responded on an immediate basis, the plan was for me to serve as your District Manager.  I have history with the District and was a resident of the District for eight years.  I understand the issues with this District, which is mainly a drainage and utility District.  This fits well with my background.  I read through the minutes and the Integrated Water Resource Management Program, which you are in the process of implementing.  I worked with NSID, Broward County and the City of Coral Springs and know what needs to be done to move those agendas forward.  You have a very ambitious agenda.  The interim plan is for me to serve as District Manager until we can get someone on board locally who can be here more frequently than I can.  I cannot be here for every meeting but I am available by phone. 

            Mr. Hanks stated you need to recruit someone to relocate to Coral Springs or hire someone internally.

            Mr. Goscicki stated we have one internal candidate who we can re-assign to this location and make him available.  If not, we will have to find other candidates.

            Mr. Hanks asked what is your time frame for putting someone permanent into place, assuming we decide to stay with Severn Trent Services?

            Mr. Goscicki responded our goal is to have someone permanently assigned within 60 days.

            Mr. Hanks asked do you have staff immediately on hand to fill Ms. Larned’s position?

            Mr. Goscicki responded we brought Ms. Rower here to introduce her to the Board.  She is the director of our accounting group, has a strong background in finance and has been with us for nine months.

            Ms. Zich asked how much time will you spend here in the next 60 days?

            Mr. Goscicki responded I will probably be here one day a week but I am always available by phone and email.  I know Mr. Daly and Mr. Hyche.  I worked with Mr. Hyche on the operations side a year ago.  I am used to working by telecommuting through conference calls and email.

            Mr. Hanks asked how long do you think it will take you to get up to speed to implement the transition and follow it?

            Mr. Goscicki responded I have spent a great deal of time in the past three days getting staff up to speed.  I read over the minutes for the last several months and had a conference call this morning with the finance team in terms of the interim financing.  I am already up to speed on what is occurring.

            Mr. Fennell stated I see them as an advisor in the next 60 days.

            Ms. Zich asked is it possible to have staff report to Mr. Daly on a day to day basis who can then relay the information to Mr. Goscicki?  Is there something precluding staff from reporting to Mr. Daly even though Mr. Goscicki is the District Manager?

            Mr. Fennell responded there is still a chain of command.  My thought was to have Mr. Goscicki be an advisor to Mr. Daly.

            Mr. Hanks stated it is important for us to retain the same corporate services and oversight we have become accustomed to with Severn Trent Services.  Does Mr. Daly feel comfortable serving as interim manager?

            Mr. Daly responded there are a handful of candidates more qualified than me.  This is a comfort level I am not at.  However, I can learn some things as I am smart enough to ask questions.  I promised Mr. Fennell between Ms. Zich and myself, every decision made here will be for the benefit of CSID.  The long term approach is to have someone you have a comfort level with, have more trust in and have a history with and share common goals and objectives.  Looking around the room, I see people who are entrenched in many of these goals.  Does this answer your question?

            Mr. Hanks responded in some respects.  Are you more in the administrative and money side of the District?

            Mr. Daly responded exactly.  I am good speaking to customers and have a rapport with them.  I represent you every time I pick up the phone.

            Mr. Hanks asked how is your rapport with staff?

            Mr. Daly responded perfect.

            Mr. Fennell stated I received independent information from the City of Coral Springs regarding Mr. Daly.  They pointed out Mr. Daly was cooperative, helped them out a great deal and they thought a lot about him.  This was an unsolicited comment from the city.

            Mr. Hanks stated Mr. Daly said there are other candidates who may be more qualified.  In six months, if he is not selected as a permanent manager, will he have difficulty going back to his current position?

            Mr. Daly responded absolutely not.  In fact, I hope you settle this in the next 30 days.  I am here to help out.  I know this is a difficult time for the Board and a rerun of what we did a year ago and six months before and you want to make sure this goes in the direction you want as opposed to revisiting this again.  Anything I can do or Mr. Zilmer can do to ensure the continuity and status we have and make sure everything is done properly, we will do.

            Mr. Hanks stated I do not want you to get frustrated and leave.  We do not want to lose you.  What is Mr. Hyche’s opinion?

            Mr. Hyche stated I think Mr. Daly will be a good District Manager.  I will assist him in any way I can, operationally.

            Mr. Hanks asked how do we go about pursuing a permanent manager?  What is the process?

            Mr. Lyles responded there is no legal requirement.  This is not so much a question for counsel as it is a question the Board members will have to be comfortable with in terms of the approach.  Management services are not subject to the same competitive proposals.  It is not a CCNA type requirement.  It is not even required to be bid.  Most elective bodies like this one will do a process such as a notice to invite proposals and have interviews.  There is a track these often follow but not because it is legally mandated.  It is for you to develop internally and fit your comfort level.  I will let you know if you get out of bounds.

            Ms. Zich stated I am sorry they are leaving.

            Mr. Fennell stated me too.

            Ms. Zich stated I have only been here for a short time and they have been so helpful, have great advice and know so much.  However, Mr. Daly has been around for a long time and he can work with the operational side.  We are only talking about a 30 day interim.

            Mr. Fennell stated experience has shown me 30 days can stretch to three to six months.

            Mr. Hanks stated in three months, we will have a landowner’s election and it may become a situation where none of us are here to make the final decision.

            Ms. Zich asked are we definitely having a landowner’s election?

            Mr. Fennell responded yes.  No matter what happens with the bill, we still have to re-run.  All of us will be petitioning for votes.  I propose appointing Mr. Daly as temporary manager.  It will be up to him to decide if he wants to be more involved.

            Ms. Zich asked what will Severn Trent Services be doing in the meantime?

            Mr. Fennell responded my proposal is to retain Severn Trent Services for the next 60 days but give them notice we are terminating services.  At the end of 60 days, we may end up hiring them or retaining other services.  We have to at least give them notice.

            Ms. Zich asked do we have to do this now?  I do not know how long you knew about this.  You had time to digest it.  I just found out about this today. 

            Mr. Fennell stated we have to give them notice but we can always reverse it.  The 60 day time period starts the clock.  I expect during the next 60 days, they will get some money for us and will be fully cooperative.  Six months from now, we may say, “We cannot find the right person and Severn Trent Services is the best for us”.

            Mr. Goscicki stated if you give us the 60 day notice now, we urge you not stay with us.  You cannot just assume 60 days from now we will turn around and say, “We want you to stay”.  If you give us 60 days notice, we are not going to recruit to fill this position because you are giving us notice you want us gone.  If 60 days from now you say, “We want you to stay”, we may not be prepared to stay.  I am not committing one way or another. 

            Mr. Hanks asked is it better to say it in a different way such as “We are giving you notice and in 60 days you are under no obligation to provide services”?

            Mr. Goscicki responded yes.  You are terminating our contract under the termination provision providing for 60 days notice.  You are taking the action to terminate our relationship with you.  I suggest taking 30 to 60 days to think about it and then take action.  If you take action now, you terminated our agreement and we are in the process of transitioning out.

            Mr. Hanks stated we need to be prepared.  If we choose to exercise our right to terminate Severn Trent Services, we need to be in a position to take over all the services they provide to us.

            Mr. Fennell stated we probably are in a position to take them over.  We have 60 days to get prepared.  We may want to retain some services later on.  They told us they will work with us in a new kind of capacity.  At this point, we need to terminate their services and re-negotiate everything.

            Ms. Zich asked who works for Severn Trent Services?  I know Ms. Larned and Mr. Petty worked for them.  What other people within this building work for Severn Trent Services?

            Mr. Fennell responded two other individuals in this building.

            Mr. Petty stated I had an assistant and a financial advisor who worked on-site.

            Mr. Fennell stated this is not the only location Severn Trent Services has.  They are here mainly to serve us.  They also have a site down the street on University Drive.  The four services we had were management, financial oversight, recording and administration.  We have our own bookkeeper and recently installed our own computer and software.  Mr. McKune is our on-site engineer.  We are in good shape from this standpoint as well as having another engineering firm.  They are currently working on our rate study. 

            Mr. Petty stated your operations are much stronger now than in the past.  You have a Capital Improvement Coordinator with Mr. McKune, which we felt was invaluable for the re-building of the water and wastewater facility.  CH2M-Hill in acquiring Gee & Jenson had their own corporate issues to add, which required a great deal of attention from staff.  We wanted someone with the experience of the District sitting on our side of the table.  Therefore, we asked you to consider Mr. McKune and you did.  We tried to fill many other positions as requested by the President and made sure staff knew their designation so it was less confusing.  The contract calls for management, finance, comptroller and recording services and those were the services you received.  The secretarial staff is located offsite at the University Drive building.

            Mr. Goscicki stated I do not feel it is appropriate for you to discuss Severn Trent Services at this point and what they can or cannot or have or have not done.  You are no longer an employee of the company.  If you want to speak to what you have done, I do not have a problem with it but not about Severn Trent Services.

            Mr. Hanks asked what services are under contract with Severn Trent Services?

            Mr. Goscicki responded we provide you with management services, recording services, administration and financial services.

            Mr. Hanks asked what is provided under administrative services?

            Mr. Goscicki responded all of your record keeping.

            Ms. Larned stated I believe where the conversation was going was to demonstrate Mr. Petty’s performance over the last 16 to 18 months as willing to follow the Board’s direction.  This District as well as the sister districts, are in a much stronger position than in previous years.  What needs to be said is what this District is facing in the future.  I believe Mr. Hanks is questioning issues being faced in the District.  I suggest allowing Mr. Petty to revisit with the Board where they have been, where we have come and where we are going for the next 20 years and this is what we are losing sight of.  Yes, the operations are in far better shape than they have ever been.  Staff is incredible and they do their jobs without being asked.  What is more important are the issues facing this District in the near future.  From this perspective, I feel this Board has come a long way in being able to give us direction and capturing your vision.  At this time, I wish to turn the floor over to Mr. Petty.  He is not speaking for Severn Trent Services; but as your employee.  We were here on-site to provide you with the sustainability, settlement and consistency necessary for this District to start facing their issues.

            Mr. Petty stated I think the Board is in a good position to consider management services at this time.  I do not believe you are putting the District in any harm whatsoever.  Most of your services are provided on-site by onsite staff.  When it comes to the timing of the issues, I think you have a concern.  I do not believe you have six months to figure out the leadership of your operations.  You only have 30 days as you have many projects on the table at this time.  If they are stopped or stalled, it will take much longer to bring them back than the time period you have to put them on hold.  You are looking at having two financial plans run continuously in the next month or so.  You have a rate study, which has been running for four months and is coming to the point where it needs input from the Board.  We also have some operational and staffing considerations.  We just made changes amongst staff.  We have Ms. Kay Woodward who left Severn Trent Services and is a tremendous asset.  We hired her for CSID.  She is working on providing checks and balances.  I believe you have many management and leadership tasks in front of you.  I relied on Mr. Daly for a great many things in the past and he has performed perfectly.  However, he does not have experience dealing with these issues and they will be foreign to him.  In consideration of the management, we believe your time frame may be sooner than you estimated.  However, I do not see any harm in looking at the options.

            Mr. Hanks stated what I was trying to point out is what Mr. Petty just addressed.  We have many long term projects.  My concern is we need to keep the momentum going.  Please keep your vision as broad as possible on the issues before us.  We have Water Use Permits, capital improvements for the Water Treatment Plant and ongoing drainage studies with regards to storm drainage.  We have many outstanding issues and have to think about the best way to complete them.  It does not do us any good to get them halfway done and leave them. 

            Mr. Fennell stated I agree.  This is the importance of having a manager, which is why I want to stabilize this as quickly as possible.  I believe temporary appointment of Mr. Daly is appropriate. 

            Mr. Hanks stated Mr. Lyles has seen different Boards request District management services.  How long does this process usually take?  Are we realistic to think this can be done in 30 days?

            Mr. Lyles responded I think 30 days is overly optimistic but 60 days is doable, assuming the Board is going to call one or two special meetings.  You may want to interview the short list of finalists individually or as a group. 

            Mr. Goscicki stated if this gives the Board any peace of mind, we appreciate you having an exceedingly aggressive plan for your utility in terms of developing and integrating a water resource management program.  You are looking at developing a reuse system, tying it into the future membrane Water Treatment Plant and combining those reject streams to create additional quantity working with NSID and the City of Coral Springs to create a regional program to make use of the effluent for the regions benefit.  I fully understand the complexity of this issue.  I put together a 28 city Interlocal Agreement for regional water supply in Broward County and understand the issues of trying to get cities to cooperate on putting together interlocal programs.  This is not easy to understand.  You need to get approval from the City of Coral Springs, NSID and SFWMD before you can move anywhere.  If you are doing a reuse program, the first step is determining who is going to use it.  If you do not have customers, you do not have a reuse program.  You just have an expensive piece of hardware.  I know because I built the North Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant.  However, the county has not allocated 100% to it.  You have a sizable plant.  We understand your utility issues and will work with you, whether it takes 30, 60 or 90 days.  No matter what time frame you keep us here for, I am personally familiar with the permitting challenges and issues.  Mr. McKune is up to speed.  He and I spoke before the meeting about the complexity of the issues and what is involved.  We will keep those issues on the table until you make a final decision.


SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS                    Temporary Appointment of District Manager

Mr. Fennell stated there is currently a proposal on the table for Mr. Daly to be appointed District Manager on a temporary basis.


Mr. Fennell moved to temporarily appoint Mr. Daniel Daly as District Manager.  There being no second to the motion, the motion dies.


Mr. Fennell stated keep in mind this is a temporary appointment.

Mr. Hanks asked what is the best management company for us in order to move forward?

Mr. Fennell responded this is what we need to figure out but we temporarily need a District Manager in place.


On MOTION by Mr. Fennell seconded by Mr. Hanks with all in favor Mr. Daniel Daly was appointed District Manager on a temporary basis.


Mr. Fennell stated congratulations, Mr. Daly.


THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS                       Review of Management Contract with Severn Trent

            Mr. Fennell stated Severn Trent Services brought many advantages to us.  Unfortunately two of the advantages are no longer here.

            Ms. Zich asked how long has Severn Trent Services been our management company?

            Mr. Fennell responded they bought out Mr. Gary Moyer.  They are a large management company based in England providing many different services throughout the US.  This is their business.  When Severn Trent Services bought out Mr. Moyer, they took over the management services.  Mr. Moyer served as interim manager as well as a number of employees who work for CSID.  There was an initial period where we had contracts with individuals.  Most of the individuals, who were once part of the Moyer operation, have left Severn Trent Services for one reason or another. 

            Mr. Goscicki stated Mr. Moyer still has a relationship with Severn Trent Services.

            Mr. Fennell stated he made me come back.  He manages the Villages in North Central, Florida.

            Ms. Zich stated I saw an office for Severn Trent Services in Celebration.

            Mr. Goscicki stated we are a national company and have been in the management services business for nine years when we purchased Mr. Moyer’s business.  We provide operating services for utilities across the company.  We are a $500 million company in the US.

            Mr. Fennell stated we reviewed Severn Trent Services contract two years ago when we had many management changes.  Several different managers were here and for one reason or another left Severn Trent Services.  We are on our fifth manager in two years.  Mr. Petty has been with us since December of 2006.  There are many issues as far as services.  Mr. Moyer had the advantage of using this District as the basis for growing its business.  Before he sold his business to Severn Trent Services, he served 100 districts.  However, he knew this one so well he had no trouble running it.  After he left, we had more issues.  This District has grown considerably since that time.  Mr. Moyer did not treat this District as one District.  He had all of his districts under the name of “Gary Moyer, Inc.”  It was sometimes difficult to figure out who worked for Mr. Moyer and who worked for CSID.  Severn Trent Services inherited those problems, which was a dilemma for awhile.  However, under Mr. Petty’s tutelage, it was consolidated to where it worked out good.  We are at a point now to where CSID can stand on its own.

            Ms. Zich stated when I joined the Board, I was surprised to learn we had a management company and we did not stand alone.

            Mr. Fennell stated it was probably because Mr. Moyer was here.  Mr. Moyer came from Coral Ridge Properties and Westinghouse.  Coral Ridge Properties used to own all of the property out here and voted on most of the Board members.  Westinghouse used to watch our every move.  In fact we had a lawyer representing Westinghouse who made sure we did not make a wrong decision.  Politically, we now stand on our own.  This group has grown up to a “third generation” business as we have been in business for close to 30 to 40 years.  We bring in services as needed and cooperate with other groups.  I see us moving forward.  Severn Trent Services has done a good job for us.  I do not want to go into the issues of why we are sitting here today.  Frankly, this is the shortest notice we ever received regarding personnel changes.  This information is only one week old; usually we get two to three weeks notice.

            Ms. Zich asked why did I not know?

Mr. Fennell responded because I could not talk to you directly due to the Sunshine Law.

Mr. Goscicki stated I notified the Chairman as soon as we received notification.  We did not notify the other Board members.

Ms. Zich stated I found out when I read the agenda.  I knew something happened.

            Mr. Fennell stated I propose at this point we go out on our own but I expect Severn Trent Services to fully support us in the next 60 days.

            Mr. Hanks stated my concerns are if we provide notice, 60 days from now, Severn Trent Services is under no obligation to provide any assistance to us.  Do we want to provide them with 60 days notice or think about this for 30 days?  We can hold a special meeting in two weeks to give it more consideration.

            Mr. Fennell responded there is a sense of urgency.  We should advertise an RFP immediately for a District Manager.  We can have a District Manager and still have Severn Trent Services.

            Mr. Goscicki stated I am not sure what services I will be providing. 

            Mr. Fennell stated he has a good point.  Mr. Daly is the District Manager effective immediately.

            Mr. Goscicki stated the reason these items were on the agenda from our perspective, is the contract you have with Severn Trent Services goes back to the contract you have with Mr. Moyer, which we assumed.  It actually stipulates Mr. Moyer as the District Manager.  If it is going to be substituted, it is going to require the Board’s approval.  This is an internal contract administration issue.  I need to recognize the fact I am here per our contract.

            Mr. Lyles stated the contract says initially Mr. Moyer will provide the day to day management services.  You will be the primary responsible management individual.  However, other individuals are authorized in the contract to provide management services with approval by the Board.  You operated under the contract to approve Severn Trent Services designation of a different individual to be the primary management provider under the management services contract.  What you are doing today is designating an employee to serve as manager.  Maybe he should be called “Interim Administrator” for ease of reference.  You are considering giving 60 days notice to Severn Trent Services.  You may also be considering notifying Severn Trent Services you will amend their contract to purchase some of their services; however you want the management individual to be an employee of CSID.  I think you have some flexibility.  Severn Trent Services indicated some flexibility but in the most severe scenario where they go away after 60 days, we are in a transition period.  You will have two managers for the transition period, which is not unheard of.  This actually happened in other cases.  As I mentioned earlier, the new manager and Severn Trent Services will have to work out a working relationship but you have some flexibility and time to decide what you want to do.

            Mr. Hanks stated I request having a special meeting to discuss the Severn Trent Services management contract.  I do not have a copy of the contract in front of me with regards to services Severn Trent Services is providing.  If we are considering services within the contract, I want to cover all the services.  We can do the District great harm if we choose to rush into terminating their contract.

            Ms. Zich stated I want to wait a week or two as this is all new to me.  I still have quite a few questions for exactly what we are giving up and whether or not we can cover it all.

            Mr. Hanks stated I want to make sure if we decide to amend the contract, we do so and not terminate it.  Severn Trent Services provides a great service to us and has in the past.

            Mr. Fennell stated I think it is reasonable to hold a special meeting in two weeks to discuss specifically this item.  When is our next regularly scheduled meeting?

            Mr. Goscicki responded on April 16th.

            Ms. Zich asked can we schedule the special meeting for March 29th?

            Mr. Lyles responded the 29th gives us enough time to advertise.

            Mr. Fennell asked do we need to have special notification?

            Mr. Lyles responded we should advertise a special notice rather than recessing the meeting due to the importance of the subject. 

            There was consensus from the Board to advertise a special meeting for March 29, 2007 at 4 p.m.

            Mr. Fennell stated the discussion item for this meeting will be review of management contract with Severn Trent Services.  There are other management companies locally.  One actually gave us a presentation.  Should we schedule presentations on the 29th?

            Mr. Hanks responded no.  We should focus on what our position is going to be with Severn Trent Services.  Let’s not cloud the issue with presentations.  We will make our decision at that time.

            Mr. Fennell stated we currently have two managers; Mr. Goscicki and Mr. Daly.

            Mr. Goscicki stated if I understand the Board, you are looking for Mr. Daly to serve as your appointed manager to take on the day to day issues and providing the hands-on direction to the District.  However, you are still looking for Severn Trent Services and me as Severn Trent Services designee to provide guidance, direction and oversight to Mr. Daly.  I will bring my expertise to Mr. Daly.

            Mr. Lyles stated it will be better expressed as support to Mr. Daly as opposed to oversight.  Certainly the services financial and otherwise under your management contract, you will still provide as well as the day to day hands on management and report directly to the Board.

            Mr. Hanks stated you are still fulfilling a portion of the Severn Trent Services contract. 

            Mr. Fennell stated Mr. Daly will be providing management support.  We will see how well they work together.  Mr. Daly will receive guidance from Mr. Goscicki.  We have other services taking place in the interim.  Do you want to amend this in any way, Mr. Daly?

            Mr. Daly responded not at all.

            Mr. Fennell stated for the next meeting we will put together a pro and con sheet of the services we receive from Severn Trent Services.  I expect Mr. Daly to make a list of pros.  Does the Board agree on this direction?

            Mr. Hanks responded yes.

            Ms. Zich responded yes.

            Mr. Fennell stated meanwhile, we have someone in charge.


FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                    Approval of the Minutes of the February 26, 2007 Meeting

            Mr. Fennell stated each Board member received a copy of the minutes of the February 26, 2007 meeting and requested any additions, corrections or deletions.

            Mr. Fennell stated on page 42, in the middle of the page, “Three year old system” should be “30 year old system”.  Did we authorize the hiring of three employees or one employee?

            Mr. Goscicki responded the way I read the minutes, you authorized the hiring of three employees, provided two were paid for by NSID.  I was wondering why you were hiring employees paid for by NSID unless it was through the Interlocal Agreement.  What is your recollection, Mr. Petty?

            Mr. Petty stated I received a request from a representative of Severn Trent Services to not comment on Severn Trent Services issues.  With respect to this direction, I defer.

            Mr. Goscicki stated I have not seen an Interlocal Agreement.  I will have to see what the mechanism is between CSID and NSID.

            Mr. Hanks stated our intention on having this approved by the Board was NSID meetings do not fall within the time sequence of CSID meetings.  We authorized our District Manager to hire three employees, provided NSID agreed to fund two employees.  The funding was not approved yet.  I believe it was on the agenda for the next NSID meeting.

            Mr. Goscicki stated I have no problem with Mr. Petty offering his recollection of the situation.

            Mr. Petty stated NSID authorized two employees.  CSID opted to be the paternal district for all employees in the last budget period.  Any shared employees CSID wanted to own outright and be able to fund outright.  We produced agreements with the other districts, which Mr. Lyles is still working on but we instituted the policy.  NSID, Sunshine and Pine Tree are amenable to doing this.  Two employees will be funded by NSID and CSID will hire three employees.

            Mr. Hanks stated the direction was if for some reason NSID did not go forward with this or one of the other districts changed their mind, we were looking for one person to take care of this.

            Mr. Goscicki stated we did not move forward on filling two until there was verification on whether or not there was funding available from NSID.  We are working on an agreement.  A year ago, when we delved into the issue of shared employees, one of the suggestions was for CSID to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with NSID so there was a clear agreement or understanding you were providing services through either part-time or full-time employees and there was agreement on NSID’s part to pay for those employees.  One employee has been hired who is now sitting upstairs.

            Mr. Petty stated this is not quite accurate.  As we told the Board, we already filled two positions and are looking to fill the third position.  The first position was filled by Ms. Jodi Michaels, the second was filled by Ms. Kay Woodward and the third was filled a week ago by Mr. Royce Horak. 

            Mr. Fennell asked is this a done deal?

            Mr. Petty responded yes.

            Mr. Hanks stated on page 20, “Hydrologic rate line” should be “Hydraulic grade line”.

            Ms. Zich stated on page 21, I did not say, “They did not want to have a house pad and then have a berm in the backyard”.  It was Ms. Early.


On MOTION by Mr. Hanks seconded by Ms. Zich with all in favor the minutes of the February 26, 2007 meeting were approved as amended.


FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                         Presentation of Draft Rate Study

            Mr. Fennell asked is the rate study ready?

            Ms. Zich responded I did not receive a draft copy.

            Mr. Green stated at this point we are not ready to send a draft to the Board.  I was asked to meet with Ms. Zich and Mr. Hanks and have not done so.  I can provide you some preliminary information related to the rate study.

            Mr. Fennell stated we will table this item to the next regular meeting.


SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                        Consideration of Request for Right-of-Way Permit for Canal Crossing at 20th Street

            Mr. Goscicki stated we provided supporting documentation for this permit request under tab six.  This was reviewed by the engineer who did not find the canal crossing impacting any District facilities and recommended approval with several conditions.

            Mr. Fennell asked do you have any problem with this request, Ms. Early?

            Ms. Early responded no.  This is a typical request.  They came to the District because they are crossing over our easement.  They are not working within the right-of-way.

            Mr. Hanks stated so it is not a canal crossing.

            Ms. Early stated they are crossing the canal but not in the canal right-of-way.  I believe there is an easement going across the street to our culvert.

            Mr. Hanks asked are they installing a sidewalk along the right-of-way?

            Ms. Early responded yes.

            Mr. Hanks asked is this work being done on behalf of the city?

            Ms. Early responded yes, by the City of Coral Springs.


On MOTION by Mr. Hanks seconded by Ms. Zich with all in favor the request by Chen & Associates for construction of a sidewalk along the north and south side of 20th Street was approved.


SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                  Consideration of Change Order No. 2 to Interstate Construction Corporation for Wastewater Treatment Plant, Phase II for a Net Increase of $25,155.00

            Mr. Rodriguez stated this change order is for the cleaning of the headwalls in the surge tank.  The diffusers have to be cleaned by hand using pressure hoses.  It is tedious work, which has already been completed.  This work was necessary.

            Mr. Hanks stated this must have taken some time to accomplish.

            Mr. Rodriguez stated you have a lever control system on the headwalls and a screen system.  The screen system has to be saturated in order to control the lever control system.  The flow from the force main had to be diverted into the surge tank.  Once we were in there, there was no screen at all.  The solids going into the force main were directed to the surge tank while this operation was being performed.

            Mr. Hanks stated we just installed the bar screen within the last two years.  Correct?

            Mr. Rodriguez responded the bar screen is fine.  This was for the cleaning of the screen system.

            Mr. Hanks asked was there any way of diverting the flow past the bar screen?

            Mr. Rodriguez responded in this case, you needed the diversion.

            Mr. McKune stated as Mr. Hanks indicated, the bar screen is fairly new.  It has been operating for two years.  Prior to this time, there was almost a daily diversion of raw sewage into the surge tank because there was no operating screening facility.  The diversion was done manually.  This surge tank has not been taken out of service and cleaned for five years.  It is a mess.  Mr. Rodriguez is now in the process of making the entire divergent system run automatically as it did when it was first installed.  This is step one in order to get this system back into service.

            Mr. Hanks asked should this be figured into the operational cost of the plant and budgeted?

            Mr. McKune responded normally it would be but this was an opportunity to get the job completed for a less expensive amount than going out for bids. 

            Mr. Hanks asked is this a maintenance activity associated with the ongoing operation?

            Mr. McKune responded part of it is maintenance and part of it was to replace some of the diffuser systems. 

            Mr. Hanks stated this should be included in the overall budget.

            Mr. McKune stated Mr. Hyche talked about this and each of these plants are going to be taken down, cleaned and put into the budget on a rotating basis.


On MOTION by Mr. Hanks seconded by Mr. Fennell with all in favor Change Order No. 2 to Intrastate Construction Corporation for Wastewater Treatment Plant, Phase II in the amount of $25,155.00 was approved.


EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                     Staff Reports

A.        Attorney

            Mr. Lyles stated our proposed amendments to the Special Act are making its way through Tallahassee.  Our Lobbyist had a couple of preliminary meetings.  We are still getting resistance from one of the local delegation members at the public hearing in Broward County but we are not getting this anywhere else.  We are continuing to get questions and supplying all the paperwork Representative Bogdanoff can possibly deal with so she will never be able to say we kept anything from her.  She is continuing to be critical.  However, this is one voice out of many.  I am telling you in an abundance of caution; we have a critic in the local delegation who ultimately after many questions, voted in favor of the proposed legislation when it was at the public hearing stage.  However, since this is in Tallahassee, the game has changed quite a bit.  We are doing the things we need to do.

            Mr. Hanks asked are there any proponents?

            Mr. Lyles responded we obviously have sponsors but one of the biggest proponents is Senator Geller, who holds a great deal of influence at the highest levels of this republican controlled legislature.  However, the effort the Board authorized regarding the change in the election process was favorable.  We have unsolicited proponents.  This was an unanticipated critic.

            Mr. Hanks stated it is somewhat balanced.

            Mr. Lyles stated we are more than balanced but I wanted to let you know there is a critical voice, which we are dealing with effectively.


NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                       Supervisor Requests and Audience Comments

            Mr. Fennell stated I am not privy to what took place between former Severn Trent employees and Severn Trent Services.  I know files and information were taken in and out of the building but I am not sure of the appropriateness of those files.  I want to make sure as we move forward, Mr. Daly is privy and approves of everything going in and out of the District office.  Since I do not understand the situation, I have to make sure CSID is protected.

            Mr. Goscicki stated we have no problem with this direction.  The only concern Severn Trent Services has in a situation where employees leave us on short term notice, is the protection of Severn Trent Services property.

            Mr. Fennell stated I understand.

            Mr. Goscicki stated computers, furniture and other items in this facility are ST property. 

            Mr. Fennell stated I have no official understanding of the situation.

            Mr. Goscicki stated I have no intention of removing any CSID files.

            Mr. Fennell stated I know some files were removed.  Mr. Daly is now in charge of security for this building and will approve anything coming and going.  Do you agree?

            Mr. Goscicki responded no problem.  We gave additional clarification to Mr. Lyles in this regard and with staff.  I spoke with Mr. Zilmer today regarding this issue.  We are all working together.

            Mr. Fennell asked can you add anything, Mr. Lyles?

            Mr. Lyles responded we cannot control any past employee coming into the facility but we can control what leaves the facility.  I think Mr. Goscicki understands.  The Board needs to understand certain documents and equipment are owned by Severn Trent Services and if they decide to remove it, they have every right to do so.  I am comfortable with a public management company like Severn Trent Services staying far away from ever attempting to remove a public record from a facility such as this one.  I am sure they understand where the lines are drawn.  We will work with Mr. Daly to make sure everything is handled smoothly.

            Mr. Fennell stated I do not know what their issues are with their own employees.  They refuse to tell me and therefore, I have to be open to all possibilities. 


EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                     Staff Reports

B.        Engineer

            i.          Discussion of Capital Improvement Program

            Mr. Rodriguez stated as an update, we met with an individual from SFWMD and this process is moving along.  We need information from SFWMD in regards to the regulations and requirements for the reclaimed facility and elevation of the aquifer.  We are proceeding with sampling of the Nano Filtration Plant and getting good results from the well water so it will be easier to treat.

            Mr. Fennell stated you brought up a good point, which was we can sink in millions of dollars to have water no one wants, especially in areas receiving 70” of rain per year.  This has to be a clear consideration as we move forward.

            Mr. Rodriguez stated we understand your concerns.  We have an aerial showing the areas we are working in.  We are moving along fairly slowly with the Nano Filtration Plant and Water Use Permit but we are looking at completion of the rate study in late March or early April.  We have the schematics of the Nano Filtration Plant and water tests performed.  The Water Use Permit ties everything together.  This is what we have been discussing for many meetings.  We know there will be some regulation tactic by SFWMD as they do not know what the final requirements are going to be for the reclaimed water.

            Mr. Skehan stated as you recall from the last presentation, there was some discussion about how the Water Use Permit was the driving component to the flow of water taking place.  Flows from the treatment side will give you the same allocations as before.  For the treatment side, you need more advanced treatment of your wastewater system going into your reuse component.  Just a short time ago we were talking about how far you can go with your reuse and how much we have to treat to be able to get to a final understanding.  Getting this understanding will be a significant component of how we drive the decisions with CSID with how reuse water can be used in other locations.  It is part of a total integrated total Water Management Resources Plan.  Working with the SFWMD is going to be a challenge as they have draft rules.  It is difficult to anticipate what the draft rules may or may not be and it is wise to move forward with caution and take full consideration.           

            Mr. Goscicki stated the challenge in this part of the state is the institutional frameworks do not overlap correctly.  The people who need the reuse are not producing it and the people producing it do not need it.  This is the challenge we are facing here.  You have the ability to generate this asset and the District does not have a need for it.  You need to move forward with an engineering study defining what the product is going to cost, whether we can produce it and where we can make it available; while at the same time, running a parallel track to deal with the interlocal governmental issues at the same time as the engineering issues.  This is an ongoing effort of what we can do legally and what we are required to do.  I will defer to Mr. Skehan because I have not been involved with SFWMD as much as SWFWMD.  Is there anticipation the management districts will start denying permits or withholding permits from other entities such as a golf course outside of the District if reuse water is available?

            Mr. Skehan responded I do not think there is a clear understanding.  With each Water Use Permit, there is a component of the permit requiring the utility to evaluate reuse.  With the location of the District at the edge of the everglades, the use of the groundwater is being looked at with significant scrutiny at this point, not just here but every utility in the southeast from Ft. Pierce to the keys.  Questions are arising such as how to implement reuse and whether reuse is going to benefit local recharge and going a step further than necessary.  Mr. Goscicki relayed in the past, Broward County had tight restrictions on what they are allowing or will not allow.  The District and Broward County are currently trying to come together to see what can take place.  Under Mr. Petty’s direction, we were proceeding with how this was going to take place because you have an asset and are not looking for any more water allocation than what you have been receiving.  You have this asset in your reuse and need to find out how you are directed to use it.  Ultimately, if you are going to be directed to use it, at what cost to your customers.  Mr. Petty wanted to be cautious about this so there were no mis-steps and your customers will be treated with the respect they are due. 

            Mr. Fennell stated we do not have any customers yet.

            Mr. Skehan stated I mean your water customers.

            Mr. Goscicki stated significant potential customers.

            Mr. McKune stated most of this is driven by the Consumptive Use Permit.  We must consider reclaimed water use.  However, a year and a half ago, we received an operating permit for the Wastewater Treatment Plant.  It took us an extra six months to obtain this permit because DEP forced us to do a Reclaimed Water Feasibility Study.  Ten years ago we could write them a letter saying, “It is neither nor economically feasible to provide reclaimed water”.  Now we have to do a study telling them what it will cost to build a system here and provide reclaimed water to three local golf courses.  CSID ended up with a 25% or 30% rate increase, which we said was not reasonable.  DEP said, “It does not look bad”.  The compromise was this Board signing a letter saying when the subject comes up it will be considered.  Now it is coming up.  We do not want to build reclaimed system unless we have a customer.

            Mr. Fennell stated this is what Mr. Goscicki is saying and he has a good point.  The right place to put the reclaimed water is in the everglades.  However, SFWMD is so touchy about the quality of the water they will not even take our canal water much less our regular water.  They want water purer than what falls from the sky.

            Mr. Goscicki stated there are potential solutions.  Mr. McKune discussed several with me in terms of getting water to NSID.  The City of Coral Springs is going to be in the same situation with their Consumptive Use Permit.  If they need additional water, they are going to be under a great deal of pressure.  There is going to be pressure between every local utility abutting you in regards to this issue.  We will not be able to move forward on the interlocal governmental side at the same time we are moving forward on the engineering side.

            Mr. Hanks stated someone needs to pinpoint the restrictions placed on the use of reclaimed water in regards to potential users for recreation areas or golf courses.

            Mr. Goscicki stated you are talking about public access versus non-public access.  Both of your examples are public access for reuse.

            Mr. Hanks stated this will be helpful to us in order to identify our potential customers.  CSID may have title to some parks.  If it is not a restriction based on the water quality side, this may be a potential use.  There are also other situations.

            Mr. Skehan stated we can summarize this for you and look at those locations.

            Mr. Hanks asked can homeowners make use of the water?

            Mr. Skehan responded there is a cost for a homeowner distribution system.

            Mr. Hanks stated I am not interested in the cost.  I want to know from a restriction perspective, where we are prohibited from applying reclaimed water and under what conditions were are allowed to apply reclaimed water.

            Mr. Skehan stated we can give you a summary on those rules and regulations.  This requires going to multiple levels of treatment.  Depending on the level of treatment you want to go to is how you will be able to apply the water in certain situations.

            Mr. Hanks stated it will help us to identify our customers.

            Mr. Fennell stated I like your chart and your schedule.  I want to see one every month.

            Mr. Hanks stated we should have a copy included in our agenda packages.

            Mr. Fennell stated do not make any changes unless you show us the changes first.  This is the amount of detail we need.  Thank you.

ii.         Continuation of Discussion of Water Management Hydraulic Study

            Mr. Fennell stated I was supposed to meet with Ms. Early last week but failed to attend.  It is not important for me to be there as much as Mr. Hyche and Mr. Frederick.  I want to have our technicians figure out how long it will take to pump out the water after 5” of rain.  Our current system is based on experience, which is great until the technicians retires, moves or wins the lottery and then no one knows how to turn on the pumps.

            Ms. Early stated we prepared a PowerPoint presentation but I would have liked for us to meet with Mr. Hyche and Mr. Frederick.  You may want to table this presentation until the next meeting.

            Mr. Fennell stated I want to get with Mr. Hyche and the operators first.  If they do not use it, it is a waste.

            Mr. Hanks asked in the Hydrologic Study, are you considering the water shortages?

            Ms. Early responded Mr. Frederick does not pump during the dry season.  We can provide the information on how long it will take to pump but it is based on his experience and results.  We will show you what we came up with as far as pumping rates.

            Mr. Hanks stated what should be considered in the pumping schedule is the West Basin provides the water quality treatment. 

            iv.        Discussion – NRCS Funded Canal Bank Restoration

            Mr. McKune stated if you recall, we were authorized by NRCS to expend up to $750,000 to repair the bank in Eagle Trace, which failed.  At that time, we installed rip raff bags as a test case, which worked beautifully.  We came up with an alternative method for bank restoration, which is using a Geo Tube.  The lake bank in back of several houses is falling into the water.  The Geo Tube is basically a fabric bag pumped full of debris and silt.  It is like making a sausage but looks fairly decent.  There is a series of bags, one on top of the other.  When you are done, it looks great.  The City of Margate has been using this method for some time.  We propose doing something similar for bank repairs within CSID and perhaps even in the Sunshine WCD.  If this proves to be feasible, it is an effective way of doing repairs.  The cost for this method is approximately $20 per running foot per bag.  For example, if it takes three bags, it will cost $60 per foot.  We authorized our contractor to use this method to finish the bank repairs at Eagle Trace.  This job totaled much less than what NRCS agreed to pay for.

            Mr. Hanks asked why is this under NRCS?

            Mr. McKune responded due to bank erosion.  This is an east/west canal.  Heavy winds from the west caused substantial wave action that eroded the bank.  It is continuing to fail.

            Mr. Hanks asked is there an overall slope stability problem?

            Mr. McKune responded there was.  This canal is approximately 26’ deep.  It was over dug by the developer.  We have the standard cap rock edge.

            Mr. Hanks stated I want more detail on this later.

            Mr. Fennell stated we are doing this in more than one place.

            Mr. McKune stated we are also doing this on a canal east of Ramblewood Drive, behind 15 lots.

            Mr. Hanks stated we should keep in mind as CSID grows and things become more intensely developed and people pursue additions to their houses or there is more commercial development, there may be a need to expand these canals.  We need to think about what we can do to stabilize the bank.

iii.        Consideration of Work Authorization No. 37 for Feasibility Study

            Mr. Bohorguez gave a PowerPoint presentation on the work authorization, which will be made a part of the official record and addressed the following:

                    Districts are subdivided into many basins based on the drainage.

        Recommend installing additional piping and changing the pumping capacity for each pump station to lower the flood value at the finished floor elevation.

            Mr. Fennell asked is this for the main canals and not the small ones?

            Ms. Early responded just the major culverts or interconnect culverts.

            Mr. Hanks stated if the culverts are blocked, you will have flow into the streets.  Has there been any verification the finished floors were violated under the permit conditions for the 100 year flood?  Have we been able to identify any houses below this elevation?

            Mr. Bohorguez responded it is based on as-builts.

            Mr. Hanks asked do we actually have problems in those locations?  If the finished floor of your home is 12.5’ on the northeast corner of the east basin, you do not have an issue as your finished floor is still protected from the 100 year flood.  Are we pursuing a solution to a non-existing problem?

            Ms. Early responded not all the homes were at 12’. 

            Mr. Bohorguez stated many areas were developed before the criteria was established.

            Mr. Fennell stated such as my section.

            Ms. Zich stated my garage was under water in 1979.

            Mr. Hanks stated you are looking at big bucks to get these areas taken care of.

            Ms. Early stated some of the drawings had a finished floor.  We could check every house.

            Mr. Fennell stated if you averaged out below 12’, some were significantly lower.  We need to see the data so we know what the distribution of heights are.  Are we talking about one house or 200 houses in the area?

            Ms. Early responded we need a few culverts.  These were only a few options.

            Ms. Zich asked what is the elevation of Riverside Drive?

            Mr. Hyche responded 10.8’ minimum.

            Mr. Fennell stated we can significantly lower our expected flood levels by half of a foot, which is significant.

            Mr. Hanks stated if there is a problem, there is a solution.

            Mr. Fennell stated you said you can do this by installing additional culverts.

            Ms. Early stated we can show you the locations where they are needed.  The purpose of this work authorization is to give you a cost for each of these locations.  We have to come back with a scenario.

            Mr. Fennell stated this is good news.  Let’s find out how much it costs and look at rational ways of prioritizing the costs.  Are the costs excessive?

            Ms. Early responded we are obtaining prices.

            Mr. Hanks stated I want to get a narrower view of the problems by taking a sampling from the road crown to get a baseline.  I am glad we are doing this; however, we may want to consider some type specific alternatives.

            Ms. Early stated the District has a surveyor we can contact.

            Mr. Hanks stated we just considered a permit request for Taravella High School this past year.  They were provided with a higher finished floor.  We need to be able to narrow the scope considerably to keep our costs down.

            Mr. Fennell stated we need to cost it out first.  This will help us prioritize where the worst areas are.  All we need is an understanding of the severity.  Does any settling occur?

            Mr. Bohorguez responded if you are away from the catch basin, you are fine.

            Mr. Hanks stated it is not a case of settling as it is a case of the water rising.


On MOTION by Mr. Hanks seconded by Mr. Fennell with all in favor Work Authorization No. 37 with CH2M-Hill for preparation of the Feasibility Study in an amount not to exceed $10,000 was approved.


            C.        Manager

            i.          Short Term Funding

            Mr. Goscicki stated we had a teleconference call this morning with, Mr. Lyles; Ms. Denise Ganz, Bond Counsel with Ruden, McClusky; Mr. Kevin Mulshine with Prager, Sealy and members of our staff including Ms. Rower and myself.  We reviewed the minutes and tried to get an understanding of the $5 million.  Some concerns were raised by Bond Counsel in terms of the nature of the expenditures and what they are being tied to.  I have not had a chance to get into more detail with staff but if we are dealing with drainage work to be pledged against assessments, this is one issue.  However, if we are dealing with water and wastewater being supported by revenue, this is another issue.  From talking with staff today, it appears there is an urgency to move forward on the financing.  If the Board chooses to move forward with the change order to the existing wastewater contract for another treatment unit, it will constitute another $1 million, which is outside of the current budget and we will need another revenue source.  We have a follow-up conference call with the same participants for early next week; after all of us have had a chance to review the documents in more detail.

            Mr. Fennell stated we approved going out for temporary funding.

            Mr. Goscicki stated I believe it was scheduled to come back at this meeting.  However, the Board failed to take action at the last meeting, which is why it is back on the agenda for this meeting for discussion.

            Mr. Hanks asked what do we have to do?

            Mr. Goscicki responded we are recommending you do nothing.  We will bring this back in 30 days for consideration.

            Mr. Lyles stated the professionals such as Bond Counsel, Underwriter and bankers have concerns about the structure of the borrowing.  They want to get a better handle on what is going to happen.  The Board did not authorize us to qualify $1 million.  You authorized us to move forward and investigate and put the deal together.  The structure may not work but we will come at this in a different way.  There were many questions answered today by this financing team and we answered some of them.  They want to do more homework.  For your next meeting there should be a proposal for you to sign off on.

                        iii.        Monthly Water & Sewer Charts

            Mr. Hanks asked do the water restrictions impact our District operations?

            Mr. Hyche responded the restrictions are for non-permitted irrigation.

            Mr. Fennell stated we never liked the hours they stipulated because they are draining water out as we are draining water into our system.  Is there any rationale behind it?

            Mr. Hyche responded there is no rationale.

            Mr. Hanks stated the water never reaches the ground.  You are not drawing down the system with the irrigation.

            Mr. Hyche stated with the restrictions, SFWMD anticipates a 15% reduction in water use.

            Mr. Fennell stated not many people use our water for irrigation.

            Mr. Hyche stated this applies to all irrigation sources such as lakes, canals and private wells.

            iv.        Utility Billing Work Orders

            There not being any, the next item followed. 

            v.         Complaints Received/Resolved

            There not being any, the next item followed. 




NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                       Supervisor Requests and Audience Comments

            Mr. Daly stated on your way out today, you will see a black and red relic.  This is our old AS400 computer system used in this facility owned by Severn Trent Services.  The new AS400 is the size of a PC and runs three to four times faster than the old one.  It will be running in April.  Mr. Lyles mentioned there may or may not be an issue with signature cards.

            Mr. Fennell asked who is signing the checks?

            Mr. Lyles responded Ms. Larned was Treasurer and Mr. Goscicki is Assistant Treasurer.  Since Ms. Larned cannot continue serving as Treasurer, you either need to rely on Mr. Goscicki to sign checks or designate someone as Treasurer who is on staff.

            Mr. Fennell asked does Mr. Daly have signature powers?

            Mr. Lyles responded you need to have a separate Treasurer to take charge of the finances of the District.  You can have the Assistant Treasurer serve in this capacity in the meantime.

            Mr. Goscicki stated you can have two people within Severn Trent Services designated as Treasurer.  I suggest appointing Ms. Rower as Assistant Treasurer since she is our Director of Accounting within the organization.

            Ms. Rower stated I suggest having two signatories.

            Mr. Lyles stated if you are not comfortable making a decision today for the Treasurer, so you are not limited to one Assistant Treasurer, I suggest appointing Ms. Rower as Assistant Treasurer.


On MOTION by Mr. Hanks seconded by Mr. Fennell with all in favor Ms. Pam Rower was appointed as Assistant Treasurer.


TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                       Approval of December Financials and Check Registers

            Mr. Hanks stated I suggest the backup for our various consultants be available for review.  I request a summary of any outstanding work authorizations so I can see what has been paid and what is remaining.

            Mr. Goscicki stated CH2M-Hill prepares a summary as part of their routine invoices and provides us with the information on what has been authorized, paid to date and what is outstanding.

            Mr. McKune stated we can provide you with a monthly report.

            Mr. Fennell stated I provided a Hurricane Preparedness Manual to the Board members.  Do we have our communications in line?

            Mr. Hyche responded all of our communications are in place and ready to go.  Our extra fuel tanks are here but we are waiting on the permit from the city.

            Mr. McKune stated we are trying to get this resolved.

            Mr. Fennell stated this is important to us.

            Mr. McKune stated it does not appear to be important to the city.  The Fire Marshall says we cannot have more than a certain gallonage on the same facility site.  This was a comment made in discussion and was not written up as part of their review.  We are waiting for this to be resolved.

            Mr. Fennell asked how long do you think it will take?

            Mr. McKune responded I am trying to set up a meeting with the Chief Building Inspector.

            Mr. Fennell stated if you need help or we need to call people, let us know.  I do not want to be short again.  Are the pumps working?

            Mr. Hyche responded Mr. Frederick just had a pump installed.

            Mr. Frederick stated it is not completed yet.

            Mr. Hanks stated we are going to need all the water we can get.

            Mr. Frederick stated this is to replace the pump that blew up.

            Mr. Hyche stated the generator was replaced and is functioning.

            Mr. Hanks asked do you have any concerns for the upcoming season?

            Mr. Hyche responded no, we are all set once we receive our fuel tanks.  The only item I am concerned with is the generator with the broken engine.  We have problems obtaining parts.

            Mr. McKune stated it is part of the current project.

            Mr. Hyche stated the generation portion is degregated.  The inside portion has been re-built and is working fine now.  The engine side has the problem.

            Mr. Fennell stated bring any concerns to the next meeting.  We are more than happy to advocate being prepared.  We were lucky last year after getting hit with hurricanes two years in a row but the probability of one hitting us is the same.

            Mr. Hanks stated it will more than happen this next year due to La Nina returning.


ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS               Adjournment

            There being no further business,


On MOTION by Mr. Fennell seconded by Ms. Zich with all in favor the meeting was adjourned.






Sharon Zich                                                               Robert Fennell

Secretary                                                                   President

Notes for 3/19/07 Meeting


Agenda Items for Next Meeting


        Presentation of Draft Rate Study

        Continuation of Discussion of Water Management Hydraulic Study

        Short Term Funding Discussion



***NOTE:  Schedule special meeting for March 29, 2007 at 4 p.m.


        CH2M-Hill to provide chart and schedule from regarding capital improvement program, pumping information and rates and list of outstanding work authorizations for inclusion in agenda packages.


Items Discussed at Meeting for Future Agendas

1.      Update the Board on the results of the Sunshine WCD survey regarding the water levels at the north corridor.

2.      Sending letter to the City of Coral Springs outlining the permits they are responsible for.

3.      Discussion of Document Management Program