A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Coral Springs Improvement District was held on Monday, April 18, 2011 at 3:07 p.m. at the District Office, 10300 NW 11th Manor, Coral Springs, Florida. 


            Present and constituting a quorum were:


            Robert Fennell                                     President

            Sharon Zich                                         Vice President

            Glenn Hanks                                        Secretary


            Also present were:


            Kenneth Cassel                                    District Manager

            Dennis Lyles                                        District Counsel

            Jane Early                                            District Engineer

            Dan Daly                                             Director of Operations

            Kay Woodward                                   District Accountant

            David Macintosh                                 Wastewater Department

            Ed Stover                                             Water Department

            Randy Frederick                                  Drainage Supervisor

            Steve Siegfried                                     Field Manager

            Carl Easton                                          CH2M Hill

            Michael Bone                                      Lanzo Construction

            Krista Smith                                         Resident


FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS                     Roll Call

            Mr. Cassel called the meeting to order and called the roll. 


SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS                Approval of the Minutes of the March 21, 2011 Meeting

            Mr. Fennell stated each Board member received a copy of the minutes of the March 21, 2011 meeting and requested any corrections, additions or deletions.

             Mr. Hanks stated on the bottom of page 19, instead of “a lot of board chemical pipe” it should be ‘bore’.  One page 14, the third paragraph, I think I was talking to Ms. Early when I said, “I am not just looking to nail it to you guys.”  It is ‘nail’ and not ‘mail’.


On MOTION by Mr. Hanks seconded by Ms. Zich with all in favor the minutes of the March 28, 2011 were approved as amended.



THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS                    Supervisors’ Requests and Audience Comments

            Mr. Fennell stated let us get to our report on construction. 

            Mr. Bone stated I am sorry I did not make last months meeting.  We got the interior demolished on Plant F as far as the concrete grout.  We have a good part of the welds replaced.  We have the submittals coming in for the grout replacement.  I have been reviewing the grout topping design mix.  That should be available in approximately a week.  It should be ready for painting in two weeks.  The radiographs we have taken on the wall replacement have looked good. 

            Mr. Fennell asked how did you handle the welds?

            Mr. Bone responded HMT is a tank rebuilding and re-welding company out of Louisiana and they do this for a living.  They are backing out the existing welds.  They are key plating it; three key plates on an 8 foot section.  They are trying to maintain the arch and then they will back out to one side, re-weld it and then back out on the other side and re-weld it.  We get 10% x-ray.  I know of the ones taken to date they were all, but one or two that were successful.  There were some shadows on one or two of the x-rays.  We do not know if it was just a shadow.  We will have to take it over again.  If not, we will just have to fix it.

            We redid the x-rays of the horizontal welds on more than half the tank ourselves.  Between our x-rays and the ones the District had, there were six spots totaling no more than five to six feet that needed to be replaced.  I cannot tell you if those have been started or done.  We should be ready to go maybe a month from today.  Then we will be able to put the grout back in.

            Mr. Hanks asked so when you say “ready to go” do you mean the shell?

            Mr. Bone responded yes.  We are still looking at some time in late June.  We are having the air header designed and built outside.  We released the drawings three or four weeks ago.  We have some other testing we are doing out there.  Lanzo is footing the bill for all of this.  If we have to go against Intrastate’s bonding company, we will have to have a position of our own.  Their contention is the old air header is similar to the new air header and you have never had any trouble with it.  We are going to TV some of the joints and x-ray them.  We have to have a good position on this.  It will be probably two months before we get the air header.  We will submit that and it will take about ten days to get.  It should be ready to go up by the end of June. 

            We had some concerns about the other plant with it being hot and having power in there.  I just got off the phone with our electrical sub-contractor.  They are going to be ready in two to three weeks to petition the City of Coral Springs for a temporary Certificate of Occupancy.  They are making plans with FPL to bring new conduits into the transformer.  In speaking with FPL today, they have all of the design work done on their switchover.  They will just want assurance from us that we can handle the temporary loads and then we are safe.  Some of the things our subcontractors posed, they are reviewing.  They may not want any loose wires inside the transformer.  We are looking to have power in a month.  That would be for testing.  I know our testing meetings our going along somewhat consistent to that.

            Mr. Hanks asked are you looking to have power in the building in the middle of May?

            Mr. Bone responded a month from today.  They said three weeks to a month. 

            Mr. Fennell asked how is the roof?

            Mr. Bone responded they are putting up the metal on the backside.  There is 25% area up there that is still a concern to the building department.  We initially put the peel and stick on there.  We had a rain event that caused some non-adhering of the material.  Some of the board underneath it got wet.  We had to get Beamo out here to take a look at it.  We had to get assurances from them that it was a warranty issue and there was no problem.  That took place last week.  The problem arose that the 30 on the NOA from Miami Dade, 30 days from when it is up it is supposed to be covered.  We could not cover it and the 30 days lapsed.  The City of Coral Springs requested a letter signed by their design department.  WR Grace is saying 120 days and that is their standard.  We are trying to get it resolved now.  If nothing else, I will have to put another layer of peel and stick down. 

            Ms. Zich asked when are we going to have a plant that is usable?

            Mr. Bone responded we are talking about start up in May.  We are going to have power to start the testing. 

            Mr. Cassel stated I guess Ms. Zich’s question is with regard to when substantial completions are projected.

            Mr. Bone stated I was thinking the last time we were here that it was sometime in late June or early July.

            Mr. Fennell stated if you start testing in May, I bet it is at least two months worth of testing. 

            Mr. Hanks stated which puts you in July.

            Mr. Fennell stated that is if testing goes right. 

            Mr. Bone stated the problems I have seen with testing in the past have to do with programming and wiring.  With the effort CH2M Hill is putting into the programming it will hopefully cut some of the time out of it.  We will not know until it is fired up.  You were gracious enough to reduce the retainage to five percent on the water plant.  You withheld the five percent on the wastewater plant.  I believe there was a second motion to help us out since we were paying for all of it to reduce the retainage on the wastewater plant side.

            Mr. Hanks asked did we split that up into two components?  You originally requested five percent covering both of those.  We were not comfortable because of the issues on Plant F.  We were not comfortable reducing the retainage on that; however, we agreed to reduce the retainage on the nano plant. 

            Mr. Cassel stated the nano went to five percent.

            Mr. Hanks stated we also provided some kind of relief or direction to management to expeditiously work with them.

            Mr. Cassel stated on utilizing the retainage to help pay for the remaining work being done on Plant F.

            Mr. Bone stated this month there is $276,000 or $278,000 worth of retainage left on Plant F; plus there is some schedule of value items left to do.  We have gotten about $125,000 worth of work done this month.  We would like to be able to work with Mr. Cassel to reduce a portion of the retainage on Plant F on that $125,000 worth of repairs. 

            Mr. Hanks asked District engineer or manager, have you heard of this request before now?

            Mr. Cassel responded Mr. Bone sent it to me earlier today to look at it as to what we are doing.  It is based upon the conversation at the meeting where we would utilize that to start paying, not that we are going to reduce it, but we are going to use the retainage to start paying for some of these things as they came in a piece at a time.  This would be the first piece that would be presented to us.  I guess it would require authorization to the manager to utilize $125,000 of the retainage to pay this piece of the work.

            Mr. Hanks asked counselor, do you have any input?

            Mr. Lyles responded that is consistent with my notes at the time.  I think what the manager has just recited is consistent with the authority you gave during the meeting of February 28, 2011 regarding retainage that would otherwise be held on Plant F. 

            Mr. Hanks asked engineers, have you had an opportunity to establish any opinion on this?

            Mr. Easton responded I have not.

            Mr. Cassel stated I will work through the actual amount with Mr. Easton because it will be coming in as part of the pay request.  We will work out the details within the next couple of days as to the exact amount.

            Ms. Zich asked how much retainage are we going to have left in the end with Plant F?  I am concerned with Plant F.  I want to make sure it is up and working.

            Mr. Bone responded there is $278,000 worth of retainage in there now.  We will have  about $150,000 remaining after this month.  There is a remaining schedule of value amounts that add up to a total, including the retainage, of about $406,000.

            Mr. Cassel stated there is $407,000 left on the total contract of Plant F.  The total contract remaining with retainage is $407,000.  They are asking for approximately $125,000 of that at this point to continue moving forward and paying the people actually doing the repairs.

            Ms. Zich asked are you comfortable with that Mr. Cassel?

            Mr. Cassel responded I think with where we are at in the project and how it is proceeding now, they are trying diligently to get it closed up properly, I would be comfortable with continuing down this path the way we are at this time.

            Mr. Hanks stated I would say we can go that route provided we have the engineer’s consent or agreement as well.

            Mr. Cassel stated I am not going to jump too far without Mr. Easton being there with me.

            Ms. Zich asked Mr. Easton, are you comfortable with that?

            Mr. Hanks asked are you comfortable with that mechanism to go forward with the pay request?  I know you just said you did not have the chance to review this particular request.

            Mr. Easton responded I will cautiously say yes. 

            Ms. Zich stated that is where we are all at.  We are cautious. 

            Mr. Easton stated I am not totally opposed.

            Mr. Hanks stated Mr. Bone; we want to work with you on this.

            Mr. Bone stated I would be happy to come in here each month and request that portion of work I think is due and have you approve it each time and let me know your feelings on how comfortable you are or are not. 

            Mr. Fennell asked will you handle this Mr. Cassel?

            Mr. Cassel responded yes.


FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                Consideration of Request for Appeal of Staff Denial of Fence on District Property

             Ms. Smith stated I live at 11856 NW 2nd Street in Coral Springs.  I requested to put a fence on District property.  I have three dogs.  Ms. Demarco had asked me to state the reasons why I was coming.  Did she send it to you?

            Mr. Cassel responded yes.  We have a copy of your email.

            Mr. Smith stated we have three dogs and trying to contain them within my property is very challenging with my one year old Golden Retriever, who really goes to the canals and swimming pools.  I also have other dogs constantly coming onto my property.  I have a 12 year old Jack Russell who tends to be territorial.  A couple days out of the week the little dog from three houses down comes running in and a little girl comes chasing behind the dog.  I am always out there with them because I am afraid she is going to go pick up her dog and the two little dogs are going to get into a fight.  I have a substantial amount of property from my enclosure to the canal.  We measured it.  It is 50 feet from the door of the screen enclosure to the canals.  I apparently only own about 14 or 15 feet of it. 

            Mr. Fennell asked is that our right-of-way or do we actually own the canal?

            Mr. Frederick responded we own that property. 

            Ms. Smith stated the contractor I was working with said if there was anyway we could put in a large gate for you guys, in case you ever needed access to the property.  I would certainly not be opposed to that.  It is really so hard for me with the dogs and it is so hard for me to keep the other dogs out of there.

            Mr. Fennell asked why not just fence your property up to your property line?

            Ms. Smith responded because that would be kind of silly.  That is the property line.  If I fenced it, that is what it would look like. 

            Mr. Fennell stated the problem is this is not just a right-of-way.  This is actually owned in common by the people of the District.  You would be fencing in public land.

            Ms. Smith asked how did my neighbors put their fences in.  Everyone on my side of the canal that has dogs have fences.  I know some of them went up prior to Hurricane Wilma, but a lot of them went up within the past year. 

            Mr. Frederick stated there is  one of her neighbors that  does have a fence almost all of the way down to the canal.  I checked our records and we do not have anything on file saying we approved this fence.  I called the city permit department.  They have given them a permit for a fence, but not the fence installed.  They had a permit to put a fence up within their property line on their side of the house.  They exceeded that and went into our property, almost to the canal, across the back and up the other side.  I brought it to their attention.  They were going to send code enforcement out to take care of it.

            Ms. Zich stated we feel badly about this because we understand your position, but there are so many people in this District who live on canals and everyone would want to fence them out.

            Mr. Fennell stated the misconception is that somehow you paid for that property.  You did not.  The property is actually owned by everyone in the District.  Everybody in the District pays the same amount for the canals.  You do not pay anything more to the District for living on the canal.  It is public land and I cannot see fencing in public land for private use.

            Ms. Smith asked even if I put an eight foot gate?

            Mr. Fennell responded no.  You would essentially be taking land from the public. 

            Mr. Hanks stated if this was a situation where your pool deck encroached a foot into the right-of-way and you needed to put a fence around it for security, that would be a situation where we might consider it. 

            Mr. Fennell stated there are easements, where we have the right to come in.  This does not only have a right-of-way, but the land is owned by the public.  It is public land and we do not want anyone fencing in public land.

            Mr. Hanks stated I can appreciate the situation that you are in.  My house is on the C-14 canal.  We have beautiful wide open space, but SFWMD looks at us and says, “No, to the property line.”  Our position has always been with everyone who comes before us requesting to encroach onto the right-of-way, it is no.  I think you do have a solution here.  It may not be the most aesthetically pleasing to you, but it will provide you with a situation where you can close your yard and keep the neighborhood dogs out and keep your dogs in.

            Ms. Smith asked what is that solution?

            Mr. Hanks responded running it along the rear property line, which it looks like in this survey is somewhere around 14 or 15 feet from the back of your house.  In that situation if you are on your own property, you do not have to come to use for approval.  That would just be a building permit with the City of Coral Springs.

            Ms. Smith asked I cannot go any farther?

            Mr. Hanks responded no. 

            Ms. Smith asked what about all the other people that live on the canal? 

            Mr. Hanks responded they have done it incorrectly and what we have been doing is when we notice a situation where someone has built on an easement or right-of-way that we need reserved for drainage purposes, we go after them and ask them to remove it.  We had several instances where we forced them to move their stuff out of the right-of-way.  It is not a situation where we could make an exception because we have enforced our rules in the past.  We would not be enforcing our rules evenly. 

            Mr. Fennell asked does the Board concur with the denial of the fence?

            Mr. Hanks asked do we need a motion on this?

            Mr. Lyles responded for the record.  You had an appeal.


On MOTION by Mr. Hanks seconded by Mr. Fennell with all in favor the appeal was denied.







FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                     Distribution of the Proposed General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 2012 and Consideration of Resolution 2011-2 Approving the Budget and Setting the Public Hearing

            Ms. Zich stated Mr. Daly, Special Consulting Services, we budgeted $30,000 last year.  We did not use anything in fiscal year 2010 or fiscal year 2011 and now we are budgeting $50,000. 

            Mr. Daly stated we talked about this a month ago or the month before.  Mr. Fennell brought up the fact that we may have some battles ahead of us.

            Mr. Fennell stated this is in case we need to hire people who are going to help us influence laws.  When you need the money, which will be around this time next year, it needs to be in the budget in order to do it.

            Ms. Zich stated okay.

            Mr. Lyles stated it will actually be at the end of the summer and leading up into the local delegation public hearings, which are in late September, early October, which gets you in line for legislative changes that will be acted upon in March or April.

            Mr. Fennell stated we were also thinking of reintroducing that one bill we had a couple of years ago.

            Ms. Zich stated okay.  Now I know exactly what that is for.

            Mr. Hanks stated it seems like we are basically the same as we were last year with the exception of a carry forward balance of $566,800. 

            Ms. Woodward stated the reason we put that in there is because this grant money we will be partaking of and this drainage project we have scheduled going forward, our portion of the payments on that $2.7 Million project is roughly $650,000.  Not knowing exactly how much of the project might occur at the end of the current fiscal year, I basically said we are going to use some of the designated funds we accumulated previously and carry them forward.

            Mr. Fennell stated one of the things I was talking about prior to the meeting was the need to spruce up the canals in some ways.  There are dead-end places where junk has grown into the bottom.  We have culverts where the dirt is starting to come up around the inputs and outputs of those things.  We need to be cutting down trees wherever we can on our own property.  Do we have enough money here to cover this?

            Ms. Woodward asked how much money are you talking about?

            Mr. Fennell responded I am thinking $300,000 to $400,000.

            Ms. Woodward stated yes.  If you look at the last page of the actual computations in the budget, under the section titled Reserves, you will notice we have reserves for designated projects and emergencies in the amount of $300,000.  This happens to be the amount we are funding every year.  You will be in a position to use that.  We also have money left over from prior years.  We fund it every year not knowing what projects you will need.

            Mr. Fennell stated we need to get these canals in better shape.  Maybe part of this is doing an inspection of the canals to figure out what we need to do. 

            Ms. Zich stated Mr. Frederick; you know more about these canals than any of us.  How many places that you know of are in dire need of help?

            Mr. Frederick responded on a situation like that we only have a few areas that are dead end canals. 

            Ms. Zich asked where is this located?

            Mr. Frederick responded that is in Ramblewood.

            Mr. Cassel stated one of the items all of the districts fight is if a branch falls off someone’s tree, they kick it into the canal instead of hauling it away.  It then becomes our problem and our issue.  That is part of his ongoing trash pick up.  He has guys not only spraying, but when they are going down the canals they are loading the boat with trash on a consistent basis.   In some places it does get ahead of us and we will need to do a concentrated effort on it.  It is one of the ongoing issues you have to deal with. 

            Mr. Fennell asked do you think we have sufficient funds in here to handle this?

            Mr. Cassel responded I think so.

            Mr. Frederick stated a lot of these areas that have culverts are going to be coming up.

            Mr. Daly stated that is coming out of this year’s budget.

            Mr. Frederick stated we will be presenting the bid tabulation sheet next month for culvert cleaning.

            Ms. Zich asked Ms. Woodward, do you want to discuss the proposed budget with regard to the different levels of assessments?

            Ms. Woodward responded we went through and made a secondary computation as to what would be involved in a reduction of total expenses in order to reduce the individual assessments by $10 per unit or by $20 per unit.  Hopefully everyone received that today.  In order for each unit to pay $10 less in assessments it would require us to budget $117,300 less in operating expenses.  In order to reduce an assessment by $20 it would require roughly $235,000 reduction in expenses.  One of the reasons I am bringing this up is because several years ago we had initially bumped up our O&M assessments because we wanted to build into our reserves for expenses we were going to have to incur for general maintenance.  I did not want us to consider this a permanent bump without giving the Board an opportunity to go back and address it to make sure you are still comfortable with the $186 per unit or if you wanted to drop it back in anyway.

            Ms. Zich stated I have a problem with dropping it back.  You know we keep trying to build up in case there is a hurricane.  This is where all of the money would be. 

            Mr. Hanks asked where do our reserves stand right now?

            Ms. Zich responded they are in good shape.

            Ms. Woodward stated they are in very good shape.

            Mr. Fennell stated I am thinking of cutting down on taxes next year, but this year I want us to clean out the canals, get them in good shape, get the trees cut down and then at that point when I can say the canals are in really good shape we can lower the expenses.

            Mr. Hanks stated once we get into to it we can see where we are really falling on that amount.

            Mr. Fennell stated I have a bad feeling some of the older canals near Ramblewood area half filled in.  I know some people who live in that area and during the dry season some of them can almost walk across the canal without getting their feet wet.  I am starting to think there are some issues with flow.  That is the same area I am afraid of flooding.  The canals are almost 40 years old in that area. 

            Ms. Early stated I have a map in my office that has all of the depths and elevations.

            Mr. Fennell stated I do not want to raise taxes.  We should keep them the same.  I think it is time we put them in good shape while we have the financial means to do it.

            Ms. Early stated I can run a copy of that month and we can look.  I do not think it was the entire District, but we might want to take a look at the other canals and do the same thing.

            Mr. Fennell asked is there anything else we should be looking at from a flood standpoint?

            Ms. Early responded typically the engineer’s reports always say you should survey the canals once every five years in case there is something building up.  I know Mr. Frederick has the culverts checked.

            Ms. Zich stated these are not natural canals.  They could be silting up and we do not know. 

            Ms. Early stated I will bring in a copy of that map and we can look at it.

            Ms. Zich asked how long ago was that map done?

            Ms. Early responded I think it was ten years ago.  I am just guessing, but I know we have a map showing the depths of the canals. 

            Mr. Fennell stated my feeling is we recovered from the disaster of the hurricane.  We are in fair shape.  We have taken care of the pumps.  Now we have to make sure the canals are still going to be there for the next 20 to 30 years. 


On MOTION by Mr. Hanks seconded by Ms. Zich with all in favor Resolution


SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                    Consideration of Modification to Permit 1984-23 for the Coral Springs Auto Mall

            Ms. Early stated they are just making some changes to their parking.  It will actually decrease the impervious.  We did not have to do any drainage calculations based on what they were submitting.

            Mr. Hanks asked how are they doing with the maintenance of their shrubs and trees along the right-of-way?

            Mr. Frederick responded they are keeping it up pretty good.  If we have a problem, we call code enforcement and they get on them.

            Mr. Fennell asked was this needed?

            Ms. Early responded yes.  Anytime they do anything.

            Ms. Zich stated so they want to take out part of their parking lot and rework it.

            Mr. Hanks stated they have parking facing one way.  They want to flip it over and swap the position of the median with the parking.

            Ms. Early stated that is right.  We like them to always come in when they are doing anything. 


On MOTION by Mr. Hanks seconded by Mr. Fennell with all in favor modifications to Permit 1984-23 were approved.


SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS              Consideration of Work Authorization 60

            Ms. Zich stated this is the final version that has been approved by FEMA.

            Mr. Hanks asked where do you have in here the parts I wanted; construction dewatering?

            Ms. Early responded I put in there anything regarding permitting.  If you get the permit, it is fine.  It will be part of the SFWMD permit anyway.

            Mr. Hanks stated I want to make sure that is something that will be covered.  The last thing we want to do is get out there and bid construction, it does not show up on the bid documents and then we get a huge surprise later on where they cannot build it because it cannot be dewatered. 

            Ms. Early stated that will be discussed when we meet with the SFWMD. 

            Mr. Hanks stated dewatering plan is something that is going to be on there; whether or not SFWMD wants it.  We want it as a Board. 

            Ms. Early stated okay.  It will be done.

            Mr. Lyles asked does anyone want to indicate if the Board is in favor of approving this work authorization, as part of the motion, indicate it is contingent upon the inclusion of the dewatering plan. 


On MOTION by Mr. Hanks seconded by Mr. Fennell with all in favor Work Authorization 60 was approved contingent upon it including the dewatering plan. 


            Mr. Fennell stated Mr. Cassel, it would be a good thing to talk to our fellow city managers and maybe get a hold of the Mayor.  He knows about this.  At one time I told him we were going to do something about interconnections.  Let him know we are doing it and give him a heads up that we are fulfilling our word so we do not have any sudden surprises.

            Mr. Cassel stated okay.

            Ms. Early stated we are going to meet with them as well.

            Mr. Fennell stated I want the engineering aspect, but I think there is another aspect that needs to be done.


EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                 Consideration of Surveying Expense for Culvert Project

            Mr. Hanks asked what is going on with the Paul E. Brewer & Associates, Inc. work authorization?  Is this not done?

            Mr. Cassel responded technically it is not completed yet because we had to have the work authorization approved by FEMA and by the Board in order to process it properly. 

            Ms. Early stated FEMA has approved Mr. Brewer’s proposal.

            Mr. Fennell stated the money is actually coming from FEMA and not from the county. 

            Ms. Early stated it is not the county.

            Mr. Fennell stated but somehow they were in the approval cycle.

            Mr. Cassel stated no.  The FEMA grant comes through the state office for direction.  We applied to FEMA for the grant, but it is administered by the State Emergency Management to make sure whoever the applicant is complies with all of the parameters and the processes.  It flows from FEMA, to the state to the contracting entity.  We work through the state to make sure everything is approved by them prior to going into the work that is going to be specified. 

            Mr. Hanks asked how do you feel about this proposal?  Do you recommend it?

            Mr. Cassel responded we are good with it.


On MOTION by Mr. Hanks seconded by Ms. Zich with all in favor the proposal dated April 6, 2011 from Paul E. Brewer & Associates, Inc for the route survey for proposed drainage pipe at Ramblewood Drive was approved. 


NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                    Staff Reports

            A.        Manager

            Mr. Daly stated thank you very much gentlemen for appearing last month at the luncheon meeting we had here with regard to data flow systems.  We are actively pursuing at no charge to the District what they may or may not be able to do for us.  Mr. Siegfried will appear at all of our meetings from now on in the field.  He met with Margate and looked at their lift stations as well as some of the projects they have.  They have some equipment out there which has been around for 20 years that is still working.  When it does not work they pull the panel out, send it back to the company and they repair it. 

            Mr. Cassel stated the backwards compatibility of their system is what makes it able to do that, which is from our perspective something we definitely consider an advantage instead of getting a system that in ten years is obsolete and you have to go back and do everything in the field.

            Mr. Fennell asked do they have that new Symphony System?

            Mr. Siegfried responded no they do not.  I talked to the man from Hallandale this afternoon.  They have had theirs for 17 years. 

            Mr. Daly stated he invited us to go visit with Pompano, Broward County, Hallandale, Delray, Coral Gables or Key West. 

            Mr. Fennell stated I would like to see someone using this Symphony System.  That is what sold me.  We are talking about remote control systems for the different lift stations for the wastewater.  Right now each of them come on and off according to their own little schedule; whatever the water is at that level.  It turns out there is this new program where you can monitor each one of these and you can have the flow coordinated to coming back.  If all of the lift stations come on at the same time, they put a lot of  backpressure and they are all trying to go into the same pipe.  You can have easier flow back into the plant. 

            Mr. Hanks stated imagine trying to blow up a brand new balloon.  That is just a lift station working against the background pressure.  Now imagine trying to blow up a balloon with somebody sitting on it.  That is what happens when you have multiple lift stations pumping at the same time. 

            Mr. Cassel stated part of the issue is as we looked at our wastewater flows, a lot of our pumps were running tons of hours, burning up tons of electricity, but the effectiveness of the actual pump, pumping wastewater, was diminished.  We are trying to make sure when the pump kicks on, we make the most efficiency of that pump as we go down the line.  It may be better to shut off and not have Pump 6 running while Pumps 2, 3 and 5 are going; once Pumps 3 and 5 drop off, you kick Pump 6 back on.

            Ms. Zich stated I had no idea that was a problem.

            Mr. Daly stated the electric bill is over $1,000 every month for the one lift station while the others are $100.  There is something obviously going on there.  Looking at it this way we will have data coming in minute by minute.  We will put a gage at each of the lift stations which will show the infiltration.  We will be able to analyze the data to see how to manage our system.

            Mr. Cassel stated with the information we gain from the telemetry and from potentially the Symphony System  we will be able to target those areas where we get the biggest bang for our buck going after infiltration.  We do not want to line pipes where we are going to get a $50 return.  We want the return where we are going to get a $5,000 return if we are going to spend the money lining pipes or reworking pipes.  We want to make the maximum efficiency.  With the technology and information we will be receiving we will be able to target those areas. 

            Mr. Fennell asked is there any other competition out there?  The concept of going from random occurring systems to actually being able to control and plan the system will be a step up.

            Ms. Zich asked what does this cost?

            Mr. Daly responded we are not at the level of discussing costs because I told him we did not have any money.

            Mr. Fennell stated I think the cost will be approximately $500,000.

            Ms. Zich stated that is what I am wondering and if it will be worth it.

            Mr. Daly stated it will definitely be worth it.

            Mr. Hanks stated you figure that one lift station, if you drop it from $1,000 to $100; you are looking at over $300,000 in one year on that one lift station.

            Ms. Zich asked is it $1,000 a day?

            Mr. Daly responded no, but you have to remember we process that water with all of the chemicals and electricity here that comes in through infiltration.  We can spend $250,000 to $300,000 just in engineering costs to find out where we have a problem.  The point is that when you find out, you then have to fix it. 

            Mr. Cassel stated you still need to monitor it to make sure it is after the fact.

            Mr. Hanks stated find out if there is another competing system and then we can consider how much we can be saving.

            Mr. Daly stated Mr. Fennell said $500,000.  That is for doing all 41 stations.  I think we need to take baby steps and get our biggest bang for our buck with Symphony before we make this huge investment.

            Mr. Fennell stated the big deal for me is we can turn things on and off.  This allows you to look at the entire system and be able to plant the drainage.  That would mean a lot to us.  This would have been a good alternative to the surge tank. 

            Mr. Cassel stated you still need a surge tank in the system.  The long term impact with the technology, the way it comes back in, and the fact you know exactly when your pumps are running, we know that right now when we go out we check a pump, we do not know if it has been off for two hours or five hours if it trips out on a breaker until the next time staff does their rounds, which is the next day, so with the system in place if the first one trips out, the second one kicks in.  It sends an alarm that comes back here so we know that pump went out.  We can go out and check it.  If it is an emergency type situation, we can get someone out there immediately versus waiting several hours until somebody calls, if they call, when the light is going off and the wastewater is flowing over into the streets.  It also helps us manage potential sanitary sewer overflows within the system.

            Mr. Fennell stated the other thing I would like to have us make sure is there is a solar backup to this.

            Mr. Cassel stated there is a battery backup. 

            Mr. Fennell stated this can also help us in a power outage situation.  We have all of these generators to operate the lift stations, but we have to know which one to go to.  If you have a solar backup system, it will tell you what the status of that pump system is.  You would not be able to turn anything on, but you can read if you have to go to station 32 as opposed to 10.  The only other thing is our outfall, our pumps at the canals.

            Mr. Daly stated we talked to this gentleman about that.  He can pretty much monitor anything.

            Mr. Fennell stated we can actually put controls.  Right now you have to physically turn the pumps on.

            Mr. Cassel stated you still would want someone out there to physically turn them on and make sure you come up to your operating temperatures.  You do not just want pumps to fire up and run.  You want someone to double check them and make sure they are running at their point.  You want to be able to monitor them after they are up and running. 

            Mr. Fennell stated I am thinking we should put monitors out there in those things to.

            Mr. Daly stated it is a web based program. 

            Mr. Fennell stated in rain situations you can figure out if canal 25 is getting high and we have to send someone out to clean out debris.


·         Monthly Water & Sewer Chart  

·         Utility Billing Work Orders

             These items are for informational purposes only.


B.                 Attorney

            There being no report, the next item followed.


C.                 Engineer

·         Monthly Aerial Photographs

·         Project Status Report

             Ms. Zich stated the aerial photographs are nice, but this is probably the last month we will need them because we are not going to be able to see anything else inside now.

            Mr. Daly stated there is a lot inside, but there is still some stuff going on outside.  In addition there will be the landscaping that will have to be taken care of.  We can call up and have them do one more month.

            Mr. Cassel stated we can do every other month.

            Mr. Daly stated I think it is only $88, which is not too bad.  This way we have a month by month view.

            Ms. Zich stated for $88 keep going.  I did not know it was that inexpensive. 

            Mr. Fennell stated the only other thing that was handed to me was an analysis of water supply potential for area B; something that was done by CH2M Hill in 1996.  It is a whole big buffer area all the way down the side of the urban area.  Basically it is used as an area to put in wastewater after we clean it up.  They did a complete report of this a long time ago.  I would think the major problem that was there was they were talking about getting down to maybe 30 parts per billion phosphorus as opposed to the 10 parts per billion required for the Everglades.  It actually is a very viable way of doing what we should be doing, which from an environmental standpoint we should be returning our products back to the land.  Right now we are trying to find someplace to ship them off shore and underneath the sea.  It is not a good environmental thing we are doing.  We need to be doing more than this. 

            I did go down to Southeast Dade, which is in Dade County.  They have these huge processing plants.  The one I visited served a half million people.  They are about ten times larger than we are.  They have 19 injection wells.  The problem is some of their injection wells are not doing too well.  The monitoring wells detected something coming up in some other areas so they now have to go and take the normal treatment that we would have.  They now go through this gigantic sand filter.  That is additional processing they have to do before they can even put down the injection wells.  They are desperately trying to figure out what to do with their wastewater.  They showed us this project where they are talking about somehow putting more water into Biscayne Bay.  They have a project to clean up water even more.  The problem I saw is they need somewhere between $500 Million and a $1 Billion to actually build that stuff out.  We found out their prices for water and sewer are very low there.  It is set by the county.  They are losing $15 Million a year at that plant.  In order to make up for that they had to cut costs, which means they had to cut maintenance and personnel.  They are in no position to spend $1 Billion on additional water clean up.  They are probably not sufficiently funding the plant they have. 

            Mr. Cassel asked the question I would have is with a projection of close to $1 Billion to construct, what is the operational costs over the long haul?

            Mr. Fennell responded they still have to figure out some place to put that water.  Another option they were looking at was to possibly sell it to the nuclear plant for cooling.  We still do not have a good solution in South Florida for what to do with wastewater.  People are scrambling for solutions, but they are amazingly costly.  I have not heard anything about SFWMD.

            Mr. Hanks stated the Executive Director resigned. 

            Mr. Fennell asked are there anymore questions or comments?  Hurricane season is starting here again.  I assume you guys are going to go down your checklist.

            Mr. Daly stated we talked about it last month.  We are updating the manual right now and we will have a meeting in May.

            Mr. Fennell stated I am hoping all of our new plant construction is going to be completed by then, but you may need to have some kind of plan given it is not and they have a bunch of stuff laying around. 

            Ms. Zich stated at least it is under roof.  That is the big thing. 

            Mr. Cassel stated that would be part of the construction requirements and we do have a plan.  Ch2M Hill has a plan as part of the bid project.

            Ms. Zich asked are there doors and windows on the nano plant?  Is it totally contained now? 

            Mr. Easton responded there are doors.

            The recorder picked up several conversations going on at the same time.


TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                   Approval of March Financials and Check Registers

            There being no questions or comments.


On MOTION by Ms. Zich seconded by Mr. Hanks with all in favor the March financials and check registers were approved.


ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS           Adjournment

            There being no further business,


On MOTION by Mr. Fennell seconded by Mr. Hanks the meeting was adjourned.







Glen Hanks                                                Robert D. Fennell

Secretary                                                    President