A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Coral Springs Improvement District was held on Monday, May 21, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. at the District Office, 10300 NW 11th Manor, Coral Springs, Florida. 


            Present and constituting a quorum were:


            Martin Shank                                      President

            Theodore Mena                                   Vice President

            Duane Holland                                    Secretary


            Also present were:


            Kenneth Cassel                                   District Manager

            Andrew Bauman                                 District Counsel

            Dan Daly                                             Director of Operations

            Kay Woodward                                  District Accountant

            John McKune                                      District Consultant

            Ed Stover                                            Water Department

            Joe Stevens                                         Water Department

            Alvan Jones                                         Water Department

            David McIntosh                                  Wastewater Department

            Randy Frederick                                 Drainage Supervisor

            Steve Seigfried                                   Field Superintendent

            Jan Zilmer                                           Human Resources

            Cory Johnson                                      CH2M Hill

            Joe Brown                                           Lanzo Construction

            Glen Hanks                                         Glen Hanks Consulting Engineers, Inc.

            Rhon Ernst Jones                                IBI Group

            John Goldman                                     CDM Smith, Inc.

            Rony Joel                                            CDM Smith, Inc.

            Kurt Kiefer                                         CDM Smith, Inc.

            Jennifer Leone                                    CDM Smith, Inc. 

            Tim O’Neil                                          CDM Smith, Inc.

            Troy Lyn                                             Globaltech, Inc.

            Rick Olsen                                          Globaltech, Inc.

            Dave Shuman                                      Globaltech, Inc.

            Noel A. Barnett, PE                            Bohler Engineering

            Steve MacMillan                                 Resident

            Sandra Demarco                                 Severn Trent Services


            The following is a summary of the minutes and actions taken during the May 21, 2012 CSID Board of Supervisors Meeting.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Roll Call

            Mr. Cassel called the meeting to order and called the roll. 


SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS                        Approval of the Minutes of the April 16, 2012 Meeting

            Mr. Shank stated each Board member received a copy of the minutes of the April 16, 2012 meeting and requested any corrections, additions or deletions.

            The Board made one change, which will be incorporated into the amended copy of the minutes. 


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the minutes of the April 16, 2012 meeting were approved as amended. 


THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS                            Audience Comments

            Mr. MacMillan addressed the Board regarding the use of fluoride in the District’s water.  He feels using fluoride is dangerous for residents.  He provided a handout, a copy of which is attached hereto and made part of the public record. 


FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                        Lanzo Construction

·         Project Updates

            Mr. McKune reported the concentrate line is almost complete.  They are waiting on certification from the Health Department for the water plant to be considered complete.  The O&M manual is being reviewed.


SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                             TD Bank Permit Review – Glen Hanks

A.                Issues Regarding Permit Application for TD Bank

B.                 Discussion of Atlantic Crossings Non-Compliance

C.                Recommended Changes to CSID Permit Criteria Manual

            Mr. Hanks addressed the Board and the following was discussed with regard to the above items:

·         The City of Coral Springs requires parking lot elevations to be at or above the 10 year flood elevation.  This is a local ordinance and not part of the county code.

·         Discharges on systems with exfiltration trenches below the top of the crown pipe should be prohibited to be compliant with current SFWMD regulations.

·         The current permit criteria manual has less storage requirements. 

·         Mr. Shank requested Mr. Cassel place something on the June or July agenda addressing the recommendations made by Mr. Hanks.

·         Mr. Mena thinks the city should review and approve permit requests prior to the District’s approval.

·         Mr. Barnett stated he received site plan approval from the city. 

·         TD Bank is proposing to build a 2,900 square foot building on what is currently an asphalt parking area near Walgreens.

·         Mr. Hanks found documentation indicating former Border’s site, Parcel M6, was intended to provide their own share of flood protection.

·         The original Border’s permit states 1.94 acre feet of storage.  It does not claim storage was provided someplace else. 

·         The calculations reviewed for Atlantic Crossings do not support the applicant’s statement that the storage of Parcel M6 is provided on Parcels M1 or M2.

·         Mr. Hanks recommends denial of the permit application as presented.  He will be supportive if the applicant devises a plan to have 1.94 acre feet of storage on the overall 3 acres.

·         Mr. Barnett stated they will not adversely impact the current condition based on the District’s permit criteria manual. 

·         Mr. Mena stated the current applicant is being denied for past mistakes.

·         Mr. Hanks stated the site is presently deficient.  Building the TD Bank is not going to make it more deficient; however, it will not address the deficiency. 

·         Mr. Cassel stated he is talking with Atlantic Crossings.  He is aware the District cannot compensate all deficiencies on one project.  He is working to try to get small incremental improvements.  As the engineer reviewing the application Mr. Hanks cannot recommend approval because it does not meet criteria.  The Board has discretion to approve small incremental increases between the applicant and the site owner. 

·         Mr. Holland expressed concern with the District’s liability if the Board approves the application as submitted.

·         The Board directed Mr. Cassel and Mr. Hanks to work with the different groups associated with the project site to see if improvements can be made before the Board considers approving or declining the application. 


FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Discussion of Engineering Services

·         Interview of Top Two Firms which Submitted for Engineering Services

A.    Ten Minute Presentation

B.     Ten Minute Question and Answer

            Mr. Goldman and Mr. Joel from CDM Smith, Inc. provided the Board with a presentation on their firm’s engineering services, a copy of which is attached hereto and made part of the public record.

Ø  Mr. Holland questioned why there was a need for so many contacts instead of one individual contact.  It was explained Mr. Joel would be the main contact.

Ø  Mr. Shank asked who would attend Board meetings.  Mr. Joel will attend the meetings along with any assisting project managers.

Ø  Mr. Holland asked about the nanofiltration plant CDM Smith, Inc. completed in October of 2011.  Mr. Goldman reported it was completed on time and under budget.  The plant has won several engineering awards and secured ARRA funding. 

Ø  Mr. Mena asked why the Board should select CDM Smith, Inc.  Ms. Leone responded they provide excellent service, have nationally recognized staff and the District will have access to international resources.  Ms. Leone also lives within the District. 

Ø  Mr. Mena stated the District had several issues with the current engineering firm and reiterated Mr. Johnson is not at fault.  Mr. Mena asked if they will take responsibility for any mistakes they may make and refrain from charging the District for their mistake.  A representative stated they address and fix any mistakes first.  They want the client to be happy and to keep the contract for a long time.  The firm is client service oriented.  Mr. Joel stated the firm takes responsibility for mistakes and resolves them at their expense.

Ø  Mr. Holland asked what districts they currently provide engineering services for.  They currently are not a district engineer and have not been in the past five years.  They provide services for several cities and counties.

Ø  Mr. Shank discussed issues with responsiveness from large firms and the Board’s interest in a smaller local firm for better responsiveness.  Mr. Goldman stated they have a local team, which will be attentive to the District’s needs.

            Mr. Lyn and Mr. Gandy from Globaltech, Inc. provided the Board with a presentation on their firm’s engineering services, a copy of which is attached hereto and made part of the public record.

Ø  Mr. Holland asked about the reversed osmosis plant in Fort Pierce, which  Globaltech, Inc. is working on.  Mr. Lyn responded they are done with the initial expansion and are now renovating lime softening facilities. 

Ø  Mr. Holland asked where Globaltech, Inc. gets its expertise in wastewater and drainage.  Mr. Schuman provides expertise on wastewater.  They rely on sub consultants for drainage.  Mr. Olson has experience in stormwater master planning. 

Ø  Mr. Lyn will be the District liaison and will attend meetings. 

Ø  Mr. Jones asked to what extent does Globaltech, Inc. research and keep abreast of DEP regulations.  Mr. Lyn explained they have continuing education, are active in many utilities and are aware of changing regulations. 

Ø  Mr. Holland asked who makes selections of sub consultants.  Mr. Lyn responded it depends on the type of work.  The District can refuse any sub consultant.


·         Discussion of Current District Engineering Services

The following was discussed:

Ø  Mr. Cassel prepared a memorandum regarding the District engineer recommendation, which is based on the Review Committee’s evaluation of submittals.  The committee recommends Globaltech, Inc.

Ø  Mr. McKune stated the smaller the firm the more rapidly they respond.  He also feels Globaltech, Inc. is a better option for the District’s needs. 

Ø  Mr. Mena asked how large CDM Smith, Inc. is.  Mr. McKune responded their proposal indicates they have 5,500 employees. 

Ø  Mr. Mena asked how large Globaltech, Inc. is.  Mr. Lyn responded their fulltime staff fluctuates between 20 and 30 employees. 

Ø  Mr. Daly stated Globaltech, Inc. has an advantage because they know the District’s operation and staff. 

Ø  Mr. Cassel stated the Board will select a firm based on qualifications and not costs.  The District will later enter into negotiations for cost structure and contract. 

Ø  Mr. McIntosh feels Globaltech, Inc. will be an ideal firm. 

Ø  Mr. Frederick wants to work with a local firm who understands the District’s system. 


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Shank with all in favor the Board approved entering into negotiations with Globaltech, Inc. for engineering services. 


On MOTION by Mr. Holland seconded by Mr. Shank with all in favor the agreement with CH2M Hill for engineering services was terminated based on the convenience clause and District counsel was instructed to prepare a 30 day written notice to CH2M Hill.


Ø  Mr. Mena thanked Mr. Johnson for his work with the District. 


SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                      Consideration of Contracts

A.                Piggyback from SWCD for Disaster Debris Monitoring and Removal Services

            Mr. Daly stated the District has a contract with Ashbritt for disaster debris removal, but does not have debris monitoring services.  SWCD has a contract for disaster debris monitoring services with Malcom Pirnie, Inc. and disaster debris removal services with Phillips and Jordan, Inc.  The District can piggyback off of SWCD for these services.    


On MOTION by Mr. Holland seconded by Mr. Mena with all in favor Mr. Cassel was authorized to execute contracts with Malcom Pirnie, Inc. and Phillips and Jordan, Inc. for disaster debris monitoring and removal services. 


FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                        Lanzo Construction (Continued)

·         Project Updates

            Mr. Brown reported the following:

Ø  They completed the 12 inch MC line.  The Health Department has to do a final inspection. 

Ø  They are preparing for pavement work. 

Ø  Grass and seeding will be installed in different areas once materials are moved out and the areas are graded. 

Ø  He discussed retainage.  There is still money being held in the agreement as well as retainage on the contract.  He proposed billing out the remainder of the contract and the District hold the other money.

Ø  Mr. Cassel stated all retainage and figures in the agreement will be released with the final payout.  Mr. Cassel, Mr. McKune and Mr. Brown need to meet to review the payout and figure out the balance application. 


SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                      Consideration of Contracts (Continued)

B.                 IPower Contract

            Mr. Daly reviewed the IPower service agreement for the server.


On MOTION by Mr. Holland seconded by Mr. Shank with all in favor the IPower contract was approved.


EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                         Distribution of the Proposed General Fund Budget and Consideration of Resolution 2012-1, Approving the Budget and Setting the Public Hearing

            Ms. Woodward reviewed the proposed general fund budget for Fiscal Year 2013.

·         The budget was prepared under the assumption the District will have an assessment of $186.79 per unit. 

·         A separate handout was distributed showing projected assessment levels with two options to reduce the assessment.  The general fund budget will have to be reduced by $117,366 to reduce assessments to $176.79 per unit or by $234,732 to reduce assessments to $166.79 per unit.


On MOTION by Mr. Holland seconded by Mr. Mena with all in favor the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2013 was approved as submitted with an annual assessment of $186.79 per unit.


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor Resolution 2012-1, approving the general fund budget and setting the public hearing for August 20, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. at the District Offices, was adopted. 



NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                            Consideration of Engagement Letter with Keefe, McCullough & Co, LLP to Perform the Financial Audit for Fiscal Year 2012

            There being no questions or comments,


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the engagement letter with Keefe, McCullough & Co, LLP to perform the financial audit for Fiscal Year 2012 was approved.


TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                           Consideration of Additional Expense to Emergency Sewer Pump Repairs

            Mr. McKune explained the Board approved approximately $38,000 for the project.  The cost is approximately $23,000 higher than what Advanced Mechanical previously estimated due to additional pump repairs.  Staff requested approval for $10,000 in additional expenditures for this project. 


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Shank with all in favor $10,000 in additional expenditures were approved for the emergency sewer pump repair project. 


ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                                                      Consideration of CH2M Hill Invoice Dated January 28, 2012 through February 24, 2012

            The Board was provided with a marked up copy of the invoice submitted by CH2M Hill.  Mr. Cassel suggested deducting $7,534 from the invoice making the total $25,072.35


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the Board approved payment of the CH2M Hill invoice for services rendered January 28, 2012 through February 24, 2012 deducting $7,534 from the total, making the total amount to be paid $25,072.35.



TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                     Staff Reports

A.                Manager

·         Utility Billing Work Orders

·         Water Break Report

            The above items are for informational purposes only.


·         Discussion of Water Tank Cleaning

            The following was discussed:

Ø  The District is required to periodically clean its storage tanks by a certain date.

Ø  Mr. Stover negotiated with water tank cleaning companies in the area and the normal cost will be reduced by 50% if the District has them cleaned in January.

Ø  Mr. Stover has written approval from the Health Department to defer cleaning the water tanks to January.  This will save the District $13,000.


·         Discussion of Recreational Use of District Canals and Lakes

            The following was discussed:

Ø  There have been several complaints from residents regarding people fishing in the canals behind their properties.

Ø  A letter was written to the Coral Springs Police Chief six years ago stating these areas are District property maintained by abutting homeowners.

Ø  It has been District policy to only allow abutting homeowners to fish from the canal bank behind their property.

Ø  There was Board consensus for Mr. Cassel to send the new Police Chief a similar letter.


B.                 Director of Operations

·         Correspondence from Resident Regarding $800 Plumber Invoice

            Mr. Daly reviewed a letter from a resident requesting reimbursement for sewer blockage services.  He did not initially contact the District and had a vendor address the issue.  The vendor did not fully address the problem and the District was able to resolve the issue.  There was Board consensus to not change District policy to address sewer blockage issues for residents and to not reimburse the resident for $800 in plumber services.


·         Water

            Mr. Stover addressed the following:

Ø  The shutters on the fans are not closing or opening properly and the fans are not running.

Ø  He emailed Mr. Brown regarding the pump in the acid containment area.  The way it is currently designed it needs to be manually turned on and off causing it to burn out.  Mr. Johnson stated it may have been designed this way for safety reasons.  Mr. Cassel requested Mr. Johnson look into the design and see if an ‘on’ switch can be installed with an automatic cutoff timer.

Ø  Staff has been trying have a pump installed in the CIP area to clean chemicals and was told a pump was not in the design specifications.  The contract indicates there was a pump in the area.


·         Sewer

            Mr. McIntosh reported the wastewater treatment plant is being emptied and will be x-rayed next week.


·         Stormwater

            There being no report, the next item followed.


·         Field

            There being no report, the next item followed.


·         Human Resources

            Mr. Zilmer updated the Board on Ms. Woodward and his review of salary, benefits and pensions.  The Board will meet to discuss the details of the review and the impact on the District’s budget.


C.                Attorney

            Mr. Bauman reported the following:

·         The city code provision dealing with fencing was drafted in legislative format and sent to the city attorney.

·         A letter was provided to CH2M Hill on May 10, 2012 making a formal demand on the overage based on actual construction costs of the nanofiltration plant and Plant F.  The final amount is $536,360.  They have until May 25, 2012 to respond.


On MOTION by Mr. Holland seconded by Mr. Mena with all in favor legal action including filing of a lawsuit against CH2M Hill for $536,360 will be taken if CH2M Hill does not respond by the expiration of the 15 day notice sent to them on May 10, 2012.


·         A question was raised regarding the RFQ for engineering services because the term District Engineer was not used.  Mr. Bauman reviewed the RFQ.  Laws regarding procurement in Florida are clear with regard to specifications in RFQs.  Ambiguities within an RFQ’s specifications would only prove problematic if the ambiguity conferred a competitive advantage or disadvantage upon one firm.  The scope of services in the District’s RFQ does not put a competitive disadvantage on a firm.  The time to challenge the specifications has expired.


D.                Engineer

·         Project Status Report

            Mr. Johnson briefly reviewed the project status report, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of the public record.


·         Ratification of Change Order #3 for MC Concentrate Line

            Change Order #3 was distributed to the Board under separate cover.  The original change order was for $249,521.  Due to in-ground conflicts it was increased to $263,421.76. 


On MOTION by Mr. Holland seconded by Mr. Mena with all in favor approval of Change Order #3 was modified to the amount $263,421.76.


·         CSID Nanofiltration Plant Sulfide Dispersion Modeling Results Presentation

            Mr. Johnson provided the Board with a presentation on the nanofiltration plant sulfide dispersion modeling results, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of the public record. 

Ø  Mr. Shank stated he appreciated the presentation; however, he requested this information in December.

Ø  Mr. Shank attended a Florida State Water Law meeting in Tampa two weeks ago.  He spoke with the Head of DEP for Florida who provided him with contact information for Mr. Anderson from the Southern District of Florida.  It was explained to him only ten tons of pollutants are allowed out of the entire facility per year.

Ø  Mr. Johnson spoke to someone in Tallahassee who is an expert on acid rain.  He explained the District is producing 20 to 40 pounds of sulfide off gas and the expert did not express concern. 

Ø  Mr. Johnson stated he is not familiar with the regulation Mr. Shank is speaking of.    






THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS              Approval of April Financials and Check Registers

            There being no questions or comments,


On MOTION by Mr. Holland seconded by Mr. Shank with all in favor the financials were approved.


FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS             Supervisors’ Requests

            Mr. Shank made the following comments:

·         Several laws were passed with regard to water and wastewater.  He also stated wastewater management districts can provide group insurance for their employees as well as employees from other districts. 

·         A workshop is scheduled May 23, 2012 at 2:30 p.m. with Mr. Fink.

·         He would like to schedule a workshop meeting to review salaries, pensions and benefits.  A tentative date of June 13, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. was scheduled. 


FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                        Lanzo Construction (Continued)

            Mr. Brown reported the drum pump has been located and will be turned over May 22, 2012.  There is a float on the controls for sulfuric acid.  The float determines if there is a liquid in the pump and sends a signal on the SCADA system for an operator to check what it is, float the pump in, pump it down and disconnect the pump.  The fans operate properly.  They were checked and the disconnects were turned off by someone. 


FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS             Supervisors’ Requests (Continued)

            Mr. Mena made the following comments:

·         The city approved the District’s backflow preventers and the grease traps.

·         He wants to attend the June FASD meeting.

·         He attended the Broward County Water Resource Task Force meeting.  FPL is building something at the port and is looking for engineering services.









FIFTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                  Adjournment

            There being no further business at this time,


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Shank with all in favor the meeting was adjourned.





Kenneth Cassel                                               Martin Shank

Assistant Secretary                                         President